Chapter 18

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It's been a week of staying away from Bryn, and it's killing me, I don't know how long I can do this.
I miss her so much.
I miss her laugh.
I miss her smile.
I miss her bright blue eyes looking into mine.
I miss every aspect of her.
I miss him.
I miss him so much.
I miss his smile.
His laugh.
His silver blue eyes looking into mine.


It's been a week of sitting on the  Gryffindor table, and it's been hard, but the people are so nice.
I turn to look at the slytherin table and see once again, Daphne and Draco, Draco turns to look at me, we meet eye contact for a second but I look down at my food, and start to play around with it With my fork.
My eyes start to water again, my vision goes blurry again but I wipe the tears away and try to ignore it all.
"It's alright bryn just don't look over" Harry says
"You going to eat that?" Ron says looking at my plate.
I shake my head and push the plate over to Ron who Devours the food.

when I meet eye contact with bryn, it all comes flooding back, everything about her fills my head, how much happiness she brings me.
But I know that to keep her safe I have to stay away from her.
I just want to hug her and tell her I'm sorry, I want her in my arms again. 

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