You could have got a guitar smashed on your head!

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I turn to see a familiar red headed male, his lanky body sitting on one of the chairs. His crazy crimson eyes gleamed in the overhead lights, and a cute smile on his face. "(Y/n) I didn't know you sing! Who would have thought you are the songbird of Shiratorizawa as well as our scary dragon lady on the court!" He yelled with his usual childlike excitement. I couldn't help but blush slightly, I despised singing in front of people other than myself in the mirror, I was way more confident on the court rather than singing on stage."Whatever Tori! You're lucky I love you or else you would have got a guitar smashed on your head!" I laugh as I lightly punch his shoulder.

Tendou Pov

'Love? Wait she loves me!? God this girl is confusing!' I think to myself I couldn't help but blush slightly. I never really know how to feel about her to be completely honest. She is all over the place, but she is always somewhere in my head. I love how powerful she is at volleyball and even just how she speaks, there is so much power in her voice. She has a beautiful smile that's unlike anything I have ever seen. I love how she protects her friends and loved ones with such fierceness. I sigh and rub the back of my neck, I finally tune back into reality to see her putting away her guitar and I can't help but smile slightly.

"Well my little miracle, would you allow this monster to escort the dragon to her class?" I ask teasingly while bowing slightly and holding my hand out to her. She smiled as her usual charm struck through my heart, continuing to make me swoon as she took my hand.

"Why yes, the dragon would love to have an escort but she sees no monster, just a handsome prince." She said in a ridiculous british accent.

I blushed at that, she never did let me get away with calling myself a monster. It frustrated her at the fact that I say it about myself.

As I walked her to class, I continued to think about her. I know her brother is the Karasuno volleyball coach. I know she lives with her step mom and her dad and even though her real mom is gone, I have no idea what happened to her. I know her favorite color and food, I know about her obsession with winning and volleyball. But I had no idea she was THAT musically inclined! What else do I not know about her?

Now I'm frustrated! But why does it bother me that I don't know her as well as I thought I did, I have always been able to read people like open books! I was cut out of my thoughts by a familiar voice, "Thanks for walking me to class Tori, but I must bid you adu." She abruptly stopped my train of thought while chuckling lightly. I couldn't help but smile, she just made me want to.

"No problem princess~" I say teasingly as I kiss her hand lightly, I look at her with a smirk and beholding right in front of my eyes is something I thought I would never see, a rare sight; The dragon of the court, the biggest badass I have ever seen, was blushing redder than a cherry.

I didn't think it was possible, the thought of her blushing was more impossible than Ushiwaka having an emotion other than wet cardboard! Before I could say anything she turned around and speed walked into her classroom. I was awestruck, completely frozen in place for what felt like a year, but in reality it was at least three seconds. That image in my head was stuck on replay, her face was like a blooming rose bush and the thought of her would be stuck on replay for the rest of my life.

'She looked so...Pretty...' I felt my heart beat a little bit faster. I groaned to myself while facepalming. I then start my trek to class dreading how boring it's going to be.

(Y/n) Pov

I walk to my seat with my head down hoping nobody would notice the glowing red on my cheeks. I sighed and put my head on my desk hoping the red will go away soon. Satori was always super affectionate and he had always called my nicknames since I could remember, so why was it different now? Why does it all of a sudden feel like this is the first time he has ever done something like this? I sighed and looked to the front of the class to see the teacher standing there waiting for everyone to get quiet.

When everything finally settled down she began to speak in her usual pleasant tone, her name was Miss. Fiyumi. She was probably one of the coolest teachers here, we sometimes have days in class where we just roast each other for fun. "Good morning students, we have a new classmate joining us today, so don't tear them apart!" She said smiling. She turned to the door and motioned for them to come inside. Then a girl with frizzy blonde hair, grey eyes, and fake taned skin walked in. She looked like a clown, she had a whole face of caked makeup and boy let me tell you neon pink lipstick does not go well with green eyeshadow, whoever told you that is not your friend. We also aren't even allowed to wear that much makeup! Geez she smells like a dead barbie pickled in perfume I couldn't help but crinkle my nose at the smell.

"Yo, my name is Tia Yamata, I'm from America and I hope you all don't suck." She said while looking down at her phone not really paying attention to the class nor giving too much effort all while she was obnoxiously chewing and blowing her gum. 'Oh great, a bimbo.' I thought to myself sarcastically. She finally looked at the class and met eye contact with me, her face twisted in disgust I think? I kept eye contact and made an unimpressed face, I slowly stood up from my seat. The room froze and nobody moved. "You have a problem Barbie? Or did your ugly mug just become a twist tie?" I said in a cold voice, making sure I meant every word I was saying.

She looked at me with a glare, I chuckled slightly at a thought. "What's so funny, are you laughing at your own appearance, because believe me I would too if I looked like... That?" She said mockingly. "No, I'm laughing at yours. You look like a clown assaulted you and used a peacock as a makeup pallet and a hammer as a makeup brush. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Now if you're done, I'd appreciate it if you would sit down and you can quit the glaring honey. Wait, are you glaring at me? Or are your fake eyelashes weighing down your eyelids? I can't really tell." I said while looking at up and down with a bored tone.

She looked at me in shock, I smiled "What? Did nobody ever tell you the truth? Oh sorry sweety, mommy and daddy couldn't break the news." I say while sitting back down and yawned lazily. She huffed and sat down in the open seat in the front. I sighed and looked to the front of the class to see Miss. Fiyumi holding back her laughter. You could see the tears in her eyes from how hard she was trying. When we made eye contact I made a small funny face and that ended it all. She started laughing loudly, she even snorted a few times which only made it funnier for the rest of the class.

After a while she and the rest of the class calmed down, she said "Ok ok, all jokes aside (Y/n) as funny as that was, try to hold back a little and be kind. I will have to report you next time you push it like that." She said in a motherly and stern tone of voice. I nodded my head in understanding.

This chapter was so fun to write I hope you enjoyed

an remember ya'll

have a very rainy day- Rain

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