you smell great

206 9 18

"Oh my God!! I love this song, Dani you have to come dance, if you don't i'll be so mad" I could barley even hear my friend, Lydia, over the sound of people screaming out the words to songs.

"I hate this song" I rolled my eyes at

"Please, I know there's plenty of men here who would love to see you shaking your fine ass" She winked.

I hated how she worded that. But the idea was changing my mind. I took Lydia's hand and walked with her over to where people were dancing. I had been invited by my friend KayKay who is currently seeing Ashton at the moment and he wanted to meet her friends too. We always wanted to meet his friends, so I know I had to really make an effort tonight.

Me and Lydia finally found a place to dance, we done some basic moves and then I got bored and went to look for KayKay

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Me and Lydia finally found a place to dance, we done some basic moves and then I got bored and went to look for KayKay. I had to push through so many sweaty bodies grinding and dancing and I don't even know what you would call that. I was too focused on trying not to step on anyone's feet that I never looked up and I bumped into someone.

"Fuck" they cursed. They sounded pissed. As they should be. Their freshly poured drink was now down their shirt.

"Shit, I'm so sorry, let me get you another drink" I apologetically suggested.

"Oh wait, you're a guest, let me get you one" I realised I was talking to none other than Ashton Irwin. Great first impression.

"I'm Ashton by the way" he finally said when we made it to the kitchen that was the bar area for tonight and probably every other night the four guys are together.

"Dani" I smiled as I watched him pour me a drink.

"You haven't happen to see KayKay anywhere have you?" I asked him with really low hopes.

"Oh you're one of her friends, yeah I was just with her, I was actually coming over to get her another drink. We can go find them if you want" I nodded and he lead me through more bodies and finally into a living room looking area.

The house was massive. The living room was so well decorated which surprised me, there was familiar faces scattered about couches and I finally seen Kaykay. I couldn't just go and sit with her if her and Ashton would be in the middle of laughing and semi-cuddling. Ashton somehow read my mind and introduced me having only known me for 2 minutes.

"Everyone, this is Dani, she's the bitch that is the reason my vodka is down my shirt" everyone laughed and I flipped him off. I sat down on a couch across from Kaykay, Ashton and Calum, I was sitting next to Sierra Deaton, I know of her but I'd never actually met her. She scooted over so I could sit down with Michael next to me.

I made small talk with Sierra just getting to know her and every now and then Ashton would make a joke causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"So how do you to know each other?" Seirra asked.

"He threw his drink over himself and blamed it on me" I replied.

"You bitch, you bumped into me" he playfully put his two fingers up at me causing Kaykay to burst out laughing.

I was really enjoying his company, I was feeling more comfortable now, shit, I'd left Lydia alone. I excused myself out of the living room area and headed back out towards the sweaty bodies.

It was difficult trying to push through them, I knew I had no luck till I felt warm breath on the back of my neck.

"Just stay close behind me"

I felt the body move from behind me to then in front of me, recognised the outfit.


I let him pull me through the endless amount of people grinding in Ashtons new dance floor. He led me over to the kitchen and poured me another drink.

"Were we that bad?" He asked with a laugh.

"Wot" was all I replied before talking a sip of my newly poured drink. I don't even know what is in the cup.

"You just got up and left back there, do you have any better places to be?"

"I just wanted to see if my friend was okay, I just kind of left her for Ashton" I felt so guilt saying it out loud.

"Got a thing for my Ash huh?"

"Uhm, no" I replied almost shocked.

"Okay good, but also why not, he's insanely hot"

"Why don't you just get with him" He laughed.

"Bold of you to assume I'm not already with him"

"Cute, well I should probably go find my friend" I picked up my drink and was heading over to the sea of bodies again.

"Lydia?" Calum asked.


"The girl who's making out with that dickhead"

I looked over and seen Lydia straddling this guy we both knew, Matthew, on one of Ashtons armchairs.

"Okay she's fine never mind" I turned back to Calum and we headed back into the living room area which was easier this time as some people were heading over to the kitchen as we left.

When we were back in the room I seen Michael sitting with this stunning girl who I assume is Crystal and Luke had now joined Seirra, Ashton and Kaykay were cuddling. Well me and Calum are definitely the spare parts here.

We all sat and joked about for a bit until some guy I'd never seen before  called on Calum and they left to play a drinking game. When he left all eyes were on me.

"Wot?" I asked everyone.

"What do you mean what? You and Cal?" my face reddened at Crystals comment.

"Oh come off it, I just met him" I managed to reply.

"You never denied the attraction" Ashton smirked.

This went on for a few minutes before we all left to join the drinking game. For the rest of the game everyone made sure I was playing against Calum and I felt his eyes on me the whole game. Had he been like this all night and I hadn't noticed?

The night started to die down and I hadn't seen Calum for a few hours. I did manage to see Lydia though, she spoke to me about Matthew and how that came about. She started rambling until she became alarmingly pale and ran to the bathroom, I knew she'd had a lot to drink. I followed her.

This was always the worst part of being a non-lightweight, having to hold their hair up and give them water and then help them get changed and carry them to bed.

After Lydia had finished emptying what seemed like her entire stomach into Ashtons toilet, we left the bathroom. Lydia left straight away and I knew I probably wouldn't see her for another couple of hours. I left the bathroom and stood around the kitchen island with everyone else.

Luke and Seirra said they were leaving because they had important things to do. We all knew. I had some more drinks with Ashton, Kaykay, Michael and Crystal. I feel too much like a fifth wheel.

The conversation died down a bit and Michael decided to raid Ashtons fridge and eat ice cream, he got some on his spoon then flicked it at my nose. Everyone thought this was hilarious as did I but I knew I needed to go wipe it off.

I waited outside the bathroom as there was someone else in. Finally the door opened and I was greeted with a pleasant smell and a handsome man.


"Oh you smell great" I commented.

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