The Christmas Party

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I changed my outfit at least four times before deciding to settle on the first outfit I'd put on tonight: heels, tight-fitting dress pants, a button-up blouse, and a stylish blazer. I stood in front of the full length mirror in my apartment and studied my reflection. I'd wrapped up hair in a half bun and curled bottom half. I'd applied more makeup that I usually wore, opting for a smoky-eye look instead of the usual eye liner wing and a coat of dull red lipstick.

Is this what people wore to company parties? Would I be overdressed? Underdressed? Oh God, why did I even agree to this thing. It would have been so much simpler to just ditch like always and take the hit of not being considered for the Master's project. That all seemed so much simpler than getting dressed up for a stupid holiday company party.

I leaned in closer to the mirror and inspected my makeup one more time. I wished my sister was here: she was a makeup wizard.

"Get it together, Louise," I commanded myself. My heart was beating erratically in my chest but my head was buzzing so much I couldn't pinpoint exactly why I felt so nervous. I grabbed my phone and asked Thea if she was ready.

Thea: Yes I am. I'm ready whenever you are.

Me: Great! I'll head out then. See you in fifteen.

I pulled on a heavy coat and made my way to the Amato apartment. The closer I got, the harder my heart pounded in my chest and my stomach felt like it was filled with helium. I tried to pick at my new painted nails on the drive over.

When I arrived at their apartment complex, I sat in my car for a few minutes before I found the courage to get out. I shook my head and pulled my coat tighter around my body. It was just a party. It was just Thea. Tonight would be fun and I had nothing to worry about.

"Let's do this," I muttered, then knocked on the door.

Luca greeted me at the door and beckoned me inside. He had his camera hanging from his neck. I eyed it.

"I'm obviously going to take pictures of you two."

"Luca," I protested.

"Nope, no excuses. THEA!" Luca called down the apartment. "Louise is here!"

Thea came out of her room; she took my breath away. She wore black high heels and a red dress with a slit in the side. She wore a beautiful gold necklace that wrapped around her neck several times before dipping down with a diamond. Her hair was curled and she wore bright red lipstick.

I forgot how to breathe.

Luca snapped the camera and the sound of the camera's shutter made me blink and remember to breathe. I looked at Luca.

"Did you just take a picture of me?"

"I did. I wanted to capture the moment you saw Thea." Luca winked and I felt my face heating up. I was glad I was wearing more foundation than usual. I looked back to Thea.

"You look . . . Wow. Monica is going to be pissed," I joked with a wide grin that I hoped would cover how incredibly nervous I felt.

Thea smiled like a sly fox. "That was the plan."

"Okay, let me get a few pictures," Luca said and shuffled us over to the Christmas tree. He pulled off my coat and scarf, positioned us in from of the brightly decorated tree, and stepped back to get a good shot.

He took a few photos of us smiling side-by-side before demanding we act like we liked each other. I stepped closer to Thea and wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close. She leaned in close to me and put her hand on my chest. My heart was beating so fast I was worried Thea would feel it.

Luca snapped photo after photo, proclaiming things like "cute!" "adorable!" "yes!" "you're perfect!" He made us switch positions a few times until he was satisfied with all the photos. I released a deep exhale and checked the time.

"Ready to go?" I asked Thea.

She agreed, so Thea and I wrapped ourselves in our coats and stepped outside.

"Are you going to be cold?" I asked her.

"I'll be fine."

Who was I to question Thea? I offered her my hand as we descended the stairs.

"You don't think I can walk in heels?" she teased.

"There's absolutely nothing I don't think you are capable of. But it is slippery from the snow."

She smiled and accepted my hand. I led her to the passenger side door and opened it. I cranked on the heater and tossed Thea my phone to queue music.

"Ready for this?" I asked.

"I was born ready to fuck with Monica."

I laughed and I felt the tension melt away as we drove singing holiday music. When we arrived at the address on the invitation I thought we were at the wrong house.

"This is huge," I said.

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