One Shot 23

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Michelle stood in the middle of her bedroom staring at herself in the full length mirror that was pinned to the wall. Her outfit was ridiculous to say the least. She was wearing this red summer dress that fit her body like a glove. She hated to admit it, but when she put it on it felt like it was made for her, but of course she couldn't tell Peter that because why would she admit to the loser that he did a good job picking a dress for her.

She had to somewhat pretend to be upset with the dress and the white sneakers because neither one of those things were her style. She does not even know why she agreed to be his model in the first place, oh wait, yes she does.

About a week ago Peter called her out of the blue. After highschool ended she kinda lost touch with those idiots when University got tougher. So when she saw that it was Peter calling this little part of her that was still very much in love with him took control and she immediately answered the phone.

After not hearing his voice for almost a solid year she couldn't help, but lose all of her senses when he started speaking. They spoke for what felt like hours. They spoke about the most random things, but it was like they never stopped speaking at all. Then he mentioned that he had to make a portfolio for his photography class and that he needed a model to help him with the last couple of pictures that he wanted to take she volunteered before she even had time to rationally think about what she got herself into.

The week went by slowly and she received two more calls from Peter. The one call was to inform her of what he had planned for their photo shoot. He wanted her to wear a red summer dress and plain white sneakers and then he is gonna shoot her walking down the street. She just agreed and pretended that she understood the whole concept of what he was going for, but in all honesty she didn't really understand why that. Michelle isn't use to not getting things because she prides herself in having an eye for art, but now she's blank. Maybe it was because she was going to be the model or maybe it was because Peter was gonna take the pictures.

The second call was her favourite. Michelle was having a really bad day. She woke up late and that caused her to show up to class later and sadly Mrs Luther was the lecturer for her first class and she's a massive bitch. The moment the clock strikes 8 o'clock she closes the door and no one is allowed in so Michelle was stuck sitting outside listening through the door like the other late comers. Her lunch was cut short because her boss at the Café she was working at is also a massive bitch. And then to top it all off she missed her ride home so she had to walk home.

That night Michelle sat infront of her laptop and while watching an episode of Rick and Morty, Peter called her. He went on and on about how excited he was to see her and to spend time again after being apart for a while year. He told her that her dress was on it's way and he hoped that she likes it and that it fits. He asked her about her day and she spilled het guts out and after she told him everything he gave her some surprisingly sound advice and Michelle almost forgot why she was so upset in the first place. She suddenly got reminded why being with Peter was one of the most amazing things she experienced and she realized that not a lot have changed about her feelings.

Naturally she knew that as a person neither of them stayed the same and that for all she knows Peter might have a different side to him now, he might have been super nice on the phone just because he had to, but she stopped her overthinking immediately because it was fucking Peter Parker she was thinking about. Friendly neighborhood Spider-man who couldn't even kill a bug.

Michelle got knocked out of her thoughts by a literal knock on the door and her tummy started to feel funny. 'Shit, shit, shit.' She kept repeating in her head when she started walking towards the front door of her little dorm room.

She took and deep breath and opened the door.
"Hey..." She said shyly not being able to contain the smile on her face while Peter mirrored the exact same facial expression.

"Hey MJ."

Hey guys👉🏾👈🏾
Been a while 😅

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