Bitchy ass cunt.

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A/N: kinda getting writers block. Been a little depressed. Sorry this chapter was delayed!!! Here it is though!!

Nikki Sixx

I was so high that once I started fucking Tommy, I forgot where we were. And now we're in deep shit because Heather and Doc are standing right in front of us. Tommy quickly yanks his pants back up. I'm a little slower to the punch, so high out of my mind that I can barely see in front of me.

"TOMMY HOW COULD YOU?!!" Heather shrieks.

Next thing I know, she's walking toward us at double the speed of lightning. She looks absolutely pissed. Part of me is fearful, and the other part wants to cry with laughter.

"Heather I-" Tommy starts, but she cuts him off. I hear a loud slapping sound and I see her strike him.

Anger takes over, boiling deep inside me. How fucking dare that bitch slap him?! I leap at her, but Doc grabs me and pulls me to the ground. I'm going to kill them both. Or I would, if I wasn't practically being pinned by Doc.

"HEATHER LET ME EXPLAIN!" Tommy yells, tears welling up in his deep brown eyes.

"EXPLAIN WHAT?! THAT YOU'RE A FUCKING FAGGOT AND A FUCKING LIAR?!" Heather yells back, the personification of fury.

"NO! HEATHER I DIDN'T WANT TO BREAK YOUR HEART BECAUSE I KNOW HOW SHITTY THAT IS! I KNOW THAT BUT I'M- I'm in love with Nikki, and I have been for the past 5 years Heath, 5 years. I moved on because I thought that me and Nik had no chance." Tommy says, taking her hands in his.

I was a real dumbass to turn Tommy down all those years ago. I was having trouble coming to terms with my sexuality, and I was chasing ghosts that had long disappeared.

Maybe if I had just let it roll, then I wouldn't be in this position right now. Held down by some fat dude.

"Tommy...why? Why would you play games with my feelings then?" She asks tearfully. God, gag me.

"I wasn't...we just...rekindled an old romance. He's the absolute love of my life."

"Well fuck you. have fun fucking your dumb, ugly ass boyfriend!" She shrieks in disgust, slapping him again and shoving him away before leaving.

Tommy looks like he's about to cry. I don't want to see him like that. I want to see him happy and confident. I want to see him like he is when it's just us.

I throw doc off of me and scramble to my feet. Tommy turns toward me with a trembling face and watery eyes. I don't know what to do. I thought that he would be happy that we can be together now. Maybe I'm just too high to see something else.

"Hey hey hey...Tommy it's okay..." I mumble, pulling him into a hug.

"That's- that's not how I wanted it to end. I wanted to wait til I was in a better place and after the baby was born." Tommy explains.

I nod. "I get that." I say, as he suddenly grabs me.

"NIKKI WHAT IF SHE DOESN'T LET ME SEE THE KID?!" Tommy cries, burying his face into my chest.

"She will T, she will. Now let's go home. Lets get  high. I got some of that mary jane for ya." I say, knowing none of us can resist the temptation of a high.

"Okay." Tommy says, sniffling quietly. I lead him out to my car, and we go home.

The rest of the day is just us. Self care if you want to call it that. We snort some lines and Tommy smokes while I inject. We talk, we kiss. There's some steamy sex. It's happiness.

But a 10cc love affair with a needle and a girl with golden eyes can ruin happiness just like that.

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