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"And the fucking cheese in those goddamn eggs? Fucking Ace, y'hear?"

I smirk. "Yeah, Wes. Listen, maybe little guy shouldn't be uh...hearing that stuff?"

"Mh? Pushed him outta my pussy didn't drink for nine months he'll live."

I chuckle. She smacks my head. "Don't laugh at your sister. Now who you boning? I see you keep looking at ya phone like it's giving you fucking sloppy tippy."

I wince. "I'm talking to a woman named Jasmine. But never mind that, where's my little buddy?"

"Roman! Roman! Ya uncle is callin' get ya little ass down here!"

I sigh. "Wes, you called. Is everything okay?"

She grins. "Hey, ya know, when mom and pop left and you were little and so was everyone else, I dropped school and I went to those parents appointments and I...I did alright right?"

I nod. "Ya did real good, sis. We turned out. And...Roman will too."

"Don't know bout, Roman. I might not make it. It's why I called you. I need you to take him."

I pause. Take him? Take him where?

"Yeah I see that look on ya face. And I'm sorry to do it. But I...I'm not doing well," she pushes her hair back. "Not doing good. You you gotta—please."

"Wes, I don't have anywhere to put him. I live in a small pad. He's what about school how will I feed him?"

Wes sighs, pulling her now thin, red hair back. It used to be fuller. Curly too. But seven siblings snd one kid of her own took that out of her.

Like most of the life in her. She was smart. Had dreams. Goals. She could've made it too. She would've been...

"I don't want him to see me all fucked up. Take him. Tell him...I went to work overseas."

"What kinda sick, Wes? What about a doctor—"

She scoffs. "I don't have money for a doctor. But I feel it. Just give me a few weeks. If I...I'm better by then, I'll swing by, pick him up."

Roman comes down the stairs. "Uncle Tra, uncle Tra!"

He runs in my arms. "Hey buddy! You've gotten so big!"

I hug him, holding him to me. Wes coughs, looking down. Her eyes close for a second. I don't think she's coming back. I'm sure if I take Roman with me now, it'll be the last time I ever see her.

But I think she's owed it. Seven of us. Took 30 years of her life. It's the least I can do.

I swallow. "Let's...let's hang out at my house, yeah, Ro?"

He nods, playing with his hands.

"His stuff is over there," she points to the door. "You take good care of him? Don't let no fucking pedophiles near him. Gotta watch for that shit. Just...don't bring him in a Catholic Church."

I sigh. "I won't."

She sighs, holding her hair. We really take everything outta her. Even the color of her hair. I'm sorry for it. But I'm glad she didn't leave us to the wolves.

"Feed him. Not too much fast food. Veggies too. And...and don't make it cold at night he gets colds real easy."

I nod.

"Might have ADD, like y'all did. Mountain Dew. Takes good to caffeine. I used to give y'all coffee. That wasn't good."

I nod.

She runs her fingers through her hair, getting up.

She holds Roman's face. "Momma loves you. Listen to your uncle, savvy?"

He nods.

I snort. "You still say that shit?"

She hit me. "Shut yo goddamn mouth tellin me what to do. I am your mother!"

I nod. "Yeah. I know."

She gets out a cigarette. "Really am yknow? Spent my whole life raising you little pricks. All of it. All of it gone."

I frown. "Sorry, Wes."

She sighs, ruffling my hair. "Don't be sorry. None of asked to born. Couldn't just leave you, cold alone. God knows who doing whatever with you."

She sighs again, lighting up. "Anyway, enough of that. Call your brothers. You tell those little bastard I wasted my fucking potential on them, so when I call they better fucking answer."

I nod. "I will. Curse em out real good."

"Good. Tell those sacks of shit to eat their goddamn vegetables."

"Will do, sis."

Roman puts his head on my shoulder. I start putting his bags in my car. Shit. I start the drive home, after saying my goodbyes to Wes.

I'll check in on her later. Call one of those bums she raised her one of them to say with her. Coop probably. He's not employed right now, he should pitch in and help.

I call him on my way home.

"Hey fucker I thought I told you not talk to me," he sneers.

"You piece of shit. Go check in on Wes. She's sick, told me to take care of Roman. Stay with her."

"I'm busy!"

"She raised us, you get your stupid as sober there and you take care of our sister or I'm gonna find you, string you up by your fuckin' ball and hang you to dry!" I scream.

The line goes silent. "Come on, bro I gotta good thing going with this girl, don't make me leave."

I frown. "Your sister spent the best years of her life literally wiping shit off your nasty ass. Go take care of her. I have Roman. All ya gotta do is hustle her to the doctor—"

"The doctor?! She won't see a doctor! That's the hardest job' I'll take Roman, you get her to go—"

"Do I gotta come over there? I thought I told you do something? I'll beat your ass in front of your girlfriend if you want? Your choice."

"I'm going, I'm going! Piece a shit!"

"Yea, yeah, I hear you talkin', just be by Wes' place by tomorrow. And I'll call. Don't make me bitch you in front of your girl, you won't bounce back."

"I won't I'll be there, swear."

I hang up. Then I call Damon.

I tell him that Wes isn't well. He starts freaking out. I tell him I'll have Coop check in. Shit.

I look at Roman in the rear view. So much for making up that that missed Dick appointment.

Miss is gonna kill me.

Your Name and Tattooed Hearts (18+)Where stories live. Discover now