"Don't push me princess"

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You are in your bedroom texting your bestfriend about how your boyfriend Niall has made you mad by going on a drinking binge last night after you specifically told him not to. Just as your best friend texts you back of course agreeing with you Niall comes to the doorway of your guys' shared bedroom. He leans up against the doorway with one arm and a smirk on his face staring directly at you

"hey baby, how are you?" He asks walking closer to you

"go away Niall, I am not in the mood to talk to you" You snapped at Niall

"Oh c'mon babe you can't still be mad at me?" he said wrapping his arms around you

"go away Niall- I am still mad at you, again you disobeyed me and went out drinking, not coming back until god knows what time last night" You said shrugging Niall off

You get up and barge past Niall towards the living room or anywhere where he is not.

"babe are you really going to act like this?" Niall said following you 

"act like this Niall? really? I can't believe you" You said turning round to him

"babe, please forgive me, I know I was wrong but I can't handle you being mad at me, I miss you too much"  Niall whined whilst pouting

"Well Niall I will forgive you, but on one condition" you said letting your guard down slightly seeing as he apologized

"what? anything" He said walking right to you

"you promise not to go on another crazy drinking binge the way you did last night, especially when we have plans the next day" you said knowing he would give in

"okay babe I won't and that is a promise, take it to the bank if you want" he said with a playful smile on his face.

"ok you are forgiven" you say which then causes him to pull you into a hug

"I knew you loved me" he said into the nuzzle of your neck

"I only said I forgave you buddy" you teased him 

"oh really?" he said pulling his head from your neck to look at you with an eyebrow raised

"I am not that easy, no kisses for you for a week" you joked

He softly pushed you against the wall his hands by your head trapping you, and him slightly bending over in order to maintain eye contact with you

"you can't stop me from kissing you" he said

"oh yes I can, watch me" you replied 

"don't push me princess" he whispered huskily in your ear then pulled you into a passionate kiss to which you followed. 

after you and Niall had had an intimate make out session against the wall and you were both completely out of breath he pulled back 

"I knew you couldn't resist me babe" He said and you replied by leaning in , inviting him on yet another passionate kiss.


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