selena gomez

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Selena gomez was sat at the end of the table grinning at me ! i managed to shut my mouth and stuttered a hello! everyone laughed , including me and selena got up and came up to me and embraced me in a lovely warm hug, she smelt so nice like warm honey and chocolate. 

Selenas pov:

Abigail looked shell shocked when her eyes landed on me sat at the end of the table. her jaw litterally dropped , she slowy realised what she was doing and stuttered a hello, we all laughed including her, i got up and gave her a warm hug, she giggled slightly and squeezed me slightly. she looked so pretty and i already felt slightly proud that she was going to be playing my daughter. jessica laughed at us and said ,''see selena she looks so much like you,right?'' ''yes she does ,she beautiful.'' i replied. Abigail went tomato red. i laughed and lead her over to a seat next to mine. i asked her about her journey and she says that she feel asleep so she guessed it must have been great, i loved her sense of humor , i could tell we would get on just fine. 

we started talking about abigails schooling, she was going to be tutored on set. also that her mum and her were going to live in LA in one of the disney owned houses that was near the studios and to my delight near my house to! half way through interview my song, magic, started playing from somewhere , i came from next to me where abigail was sat , i turned to see a bright red abigail scrabbling about in her bag to finally pull out a old scratched phone, it was her ringtone!!!!! i laughed and so did everyone else when they realised what it was! she ended the call and put her phone on silent , which took  along time becuase her phone was old and slow,man i was going to buy this kid a new phone befre we went to America , with all the photos she will take with people and calls she will get , i know from personsal experiance that she needed a fast up to date phone. her phone was so old i didnt even recognise the make! 

after the interview jessica wanted to take abigails mum for coffee , abigial groanded, she could tell that it was going to be a long slow buisness coffee, not fun for a 12 year old . so i quickly said to her mum and jessica that i would take abigail shopping, as i wanted to see parts of london anyway! at first her mum said no as she didnt have any money right now to give abigail, but working on disney and other movies , left me a lot of spare cash, i explained this to her mum and she thanked me and let abigail come. as i turned to face her , once again her jaw was dropped with excitment.

when we got down to reception we were talking about her school and a girl called jennifer that bullied her and that she was worried about that if she ever met her again or ever had to go back to school she would be picked on more, i told her that i was glad that jennifer hadnt got the part and that she most likely would never have to go to school with her again, and if she did ever bump into her she would proberly we starstruck just like other kids all over the world would be just to be in her presence! abigail thanked me for being so helpful. her accent made her so cute, i knew then that people all over world would love her , just like they did me , abigail was going to be the knew selena gomez, i was glad it was her.

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