i love life

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so chloes mum came and its all sorted that her family will basically do the same as mine, AND HER HOUSE IS RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO MINE!!!! im so excited. chloe isnt going home to pack, shes staying with me and her family are coming out in a few weeks.

my life before the show was pretty dull and with just one audition my life has been better than i ever expected it to be.  working with disney is every girls dream, or so i think! and for that girl to be me and of course everyone else, its magical.

                                                                            6 weeks later.

chloe has offically moved here with all her family now and its so amazing, we have so many sleepovers and maddie is basically our best friend, it feels like we have known eachother forever, we are all inseprable and are together pretty much all the time. selena is obviously a lot older than us, and has a much busier life, she has her music, clothing lines, and is generally much busier , so we dont see her much apart from filming. but when she can she does join us to go shopping or even comes over for pizza. i still cant belive shes now one of my best friends, and is still my biggest inspiration. shes like a big sister! and i have only had one panic attack since the last time, and it was because i was pushed over while trying to get though the paparazzi. it wasnt nice, but they arent  so frequent.

maddie , chloe , selena and myself were in my room eating tacos, when i get an email, i pull over my laptop , wiping my greasy  hands on my jeans ( what  else was i supposed to do!) and opened it. the girls all looked over my shoulder and apart from selena, as this was quite common for her, our eyes opened in shock. we had been asked to go on the ellen show next week. us 3 younger ones all looked at eachother and started squealing and hugging, me and chloe had watched ellen on youtube when we lived in england, and we are  massive fans. selena laughed at us, she had been on ellen before so it wasnt that big for her. we rang jessica immediatly and it was confirmed and we were definalty going next week,all of the cast! 

the next week was full of filming long hours, but they went fast because we were so excited. chloe is doing so well in the show as well and the viewers love her. the cast went for a meal the night before ellen, and it was a great laugh, we are all like one big family its so amazing.

                                                             the ellen show.

we all met at the ellen studios that day,  i had felt a bit anxious that whole day , i kept trying to ignore it , i really really didnt want to have a panic attack, not today when it was so special. but as you can imagine 2 hours before we went on, in the green room, my breathing went funny and everyones voices were to loud and echoey. i could feel myself crying and then lots of people coming over to me but i felt to far away from them to say anything i was shaking and i couldnt stop. i think i passed out i cant really remember but when  i finally felt  a little normal i was lying flat across the sofa. i satup to everyone looking at me and then selena and chloe hugging me and handing me water. i guessed by the look on the casts faces that they had told everyone about my attacks. i was given lots of hugs and after about half an hour i was ok. i finally realised the things that triggered my attacks, the thought of having to be infront of cameras and to many people. i told this to them and we talked about it for a while, it was nice to know that i didnt have to hide it anymore , they knew the severaty of it and i knew they would be there for me now.

we then got ready  i had a beautiful tight dress with a laced waist band and sleeves it was a sort of navy colour and looked prettier than it sounds. my hair was curled and pulled up high and and my fringe  swept across just above my left eye. we went on  and , well im sure you know what the ellen show is , we were asked lots of questions about the show, our friends and selena was of corse asked about justin, which she was very clever about and just said that she was keeping her private life private and that they werent in communication, and she quickly changed the subject. me and chloe were then asked what it was like to be the ''english girls'' this took us of guard slightly but we said how amazing it was to work in a different country around so many amazing people. 

after the show we all went back to our own houses, we were all tired and my panic attack had made me feel worn out and i couldnt wait to have a hot shower and then go to bed, we didnt have work tommorow and i planned to do nothing.  i feel asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and i slept for a very long time.

working with selena gomez!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant