saying goodbye to my best friend.

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That night me and chloe just watched movies and chatted, it took my mind of things. 

the next few days were just as fun , but normal, i liked it that way, but by thursday, i was dreading friday, and i could tell chloe was to. friday came and we were a lot quiter, i stuck next to chloe all day not wanting to leave her side. but the day went by to quickly and soon we were outside the school waiting for her bus to come, i didnt want it to, i was dreading it to come round the corner. 

Abigail: i will write to you and facetime you and instagram you, ill get hold of you in anyway possible i promise. and as soon as its possible i will fly you out so you can see the sun! 

Chloe: i know, you told me a  thousand times today! and dont forget you promised to instagram me a pic of your house! 

Abigail: duh, corse i will. im going to miss you so much, you are always there for me and you understand me like no one else! 

Chloe: thats ok, im going to miss you to.

i pulled her into a hug and tears rolled down both our cheeks as we pulled away as the bus came to a stop in front of us. 

Abigail: ill see you soon ok? luv ya.

Chloe: yeh , luv ya to.

Both: bye.

i watched as my best friend got on the bus and it pulled away, i didnt know when i was going to see her again, it wouldnt be soon anyway.i waved until it dissapeard.

i  slowly walked to the car park where my mum had been watching from the car window. she was crying to , she would also be leaving all her friends behind , we both were losing everyone close to us until we came back to visit.

the drive home was silent. we didnt know what to say. as soon as she had unlocked the front door i ran inside but hastily came to a halt. everything was in boxes ready to be collected tonight for shipping to america. the whole was was empty , it had no meaning any more it was just our house. it didnt seem like the same homly , cosy place it once was.

i ran to my room, it was the same my suit caes where all packed and my carry on bag was lying on my bare mattress, i was going to be sleeping with only my blanket tonight then. i  sat on my bed and pulled out my phone, there were mesages from all my friends they all said the same thing like, good luck or ill miss you, keep in touch. chloes was different, it read,

i  love you hunny ill miss you lots , ill never find any friend as good as you were, we understood each other, we talked and shared all our secrets , and thats the way it will stay. dont forget to instagram me ok? xxx 

i replyed

ill miss you to hun we will always be best friends no matter what part of the world we are in speak soon xx

i sighed and put my phone in my carry on bag. it was going to be a long day tommorow so i had a shower and jumped onto my bed and went on my laptop for a while, i wasnt really hungry and by 6 o clock i was asleep.

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