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selenas pov:

first i took abigail to the apple store to get her a new phone. she looked pretty shocked that we were there and thought that i was going in there to get a new phone case. but when i told her that i was going to get her a phone squealed and hugged me ! but then the moment was ruiend by a couple of bright flashes that came from behind me. i immediatly knew that it was paparazzi and pulled my hood up,it was like second nature for me now and i knew not to turn round and look at them but obviously this was all new to abigail and spun around in panic. the cameras went wild and started shouting questions at both of us. they started to shout whos zoe, and it took me a moment to realise that abigail still had a lanyard hanging around her neck saying zoe russo and wizards of waverly place. ah crap they werent meant to know anything about the new series yet so i quickly riped the lanyard from her neck and stuffed it in my bag and rushed her into the shop. they started to surround us and thats when i could see that tears had started to fall from abigails eyes. i pulled her close and as the apple stores secruity had come i had pulled abigail to the back of the shop and started wiping her tears away and i as hugging her. she was starting to shake and hyperventerlate in my arms and i told her to breath and told her it was ok. she slowly carmed down and started to apoligise saying she didnt know what happend. i told her it wasnt  her fault.

when she was completly ok again , i told her that working for disney came with its downsides and that was the cameras and media. she understood. we got her new phone and then she thanked me lots. 

then we went to costa coffee. i wanted to make sure abigail was ok. it must have been scary for her.

but i started to worry that maybe abigail would start to have panic attacks everytime she was surroun ed by cameras. and i knew that in America there was going to be a lot more than what we had just had. that was like nothing for me. maybe it was just a first time thing.....

working with selena gomez!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora