filming and chloes coming?

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authors note... guys im so sorry that i havent updated,i literally have no clue what to write, normally when i write storys it all just flows out and i finish writing so fast. so when i wrote this i thought it would be so easy but... it isnt.... what i really really need is for you guys, if there are any people still bothering to read this, to comment what you want to happen or just give me some ideas! if u are reading this thankyou so so so much ly xx

abigails pov.

today i woke up and i had a message on instagram. it was still dark in my room and when i turned on my phone, well momentarily it was RIP eyes. As my eyes returned from a quick trip to heaven, i clicked on the instagram dm and saw it was from chloe, it feels like i havent seen her in years yet it has been less than 2 weeks.... i missed her A LOT. she basically just sent me a life update, you know , what the crappy british weather was doing and how school was, it was half term now so she was of school. she had 2 weeks of....i had come to america when i was nine with my family for 2 weeks 3 years ago.

i literally had the best brain light bulb moment in my life!! i jumped out of bed and raced downstairs.


''woah chill out in the sitting room.''

i ran flat out through the house i still didnt know my way around, then skidded to a halt on the laminate flooring outside the lounge door.

''mum its half term at home so chloe has 2 weeks of , we came here 3 years ago for 2 weeks for a holiday, sooooo, can chloe come here and stay for a while,we can afford to fly her out and everything, even if we do it first class!!''

''wow massive ramble right there! yeah i suppose your right, you did promise chloe didnt you...your timetable with filming and interviews is filling up fast do have a week and bit free now though so if we flew her here like tommorow she would have quite a while here.''

''yeh i know exactly, she could meet selena and all the cast and selena told me that demi lovato and taylor swift are coming to her house this week and and and and...oh god im waffling crap , mum please say she can come!''

''yes she can, ill facetime her mum now, go and get dressed you have filming today.''

''omg i love you so much , ok.

i was literally so excited, i had the urge to facetime chloe right now but i wanted my mum to talk to hers first so if she couldnt come then it wouldnt disappoint her and she would never even know i asked.

i jumped in the shower and washed my hair. i had filiming today! i was really excited because apart from a screen test i had never acted infront of a camera.

today i put on a pair of high wasted shorts , a light blue tshirt and my white converse. my hair i pulled into a high ponytail , i knew that they did my hair for me at the studios.

i had just finished getting ready when suddenly i was so so hot and the world blurry , everything was to loud and i was shaking uncontrolably, my breathing was to fast and silent tears streamed down my face. but the worse thing was that the only person in the house was my mum and she didnt know about my panic attacks and i didnt want to tell her just yet. i fumbled in my pocket for my phone, selenas number was on my home screen and i pressed call. it rang only a few times and she picked up.


''selena?'' my breathing was to fast and i was so shaky that i could hardly talk.

''abigail, whats wrong?''

'''' this was all i could get out of my mouth.

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