chloe gets a part?

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a/n   guys! its been two whole months since i updated! so im soooo sorry! i have had exams and now its summer so hopefully there should be many more updates! 

Abigails pov,

chloes been here for a few days now and i thought that , while she was here, i wasnt going to have to film, but turns out the whole schedule has been changed and now i have it least a week of filming to do, chloes only here for 2 weeks so now im really disappointed that im not going to be able to do all the things that i wanted to do with her. but to my surprise she is really excited that she can come and see the set and see me act and be in all the surroundings of set. 

so today we got up at 5am , we need to be at the studios early. selena is taking chloe , maddie and myself to the set. we had a drink because we would have to eat at set, we had to be there soon. maddie came over soon after we woke up , which was quite funny because chloe and i were still very delirious as we had just woke up. we got dressed and selena came knocking on the door, all of us looked very unhappy to be waking up so early.

no one talked on the journey, we just all rested our heads on the windows trying not to fall asleep. we arrived and soon got some energy from the breakfast there. filming started soon after, it was a great episode, i forget how much i love acting until i get to set. there came to a point in the scene where one of my brothers had to really be passionate about something, but he couldnt quite the emotion in there for it to work. chloe who had been in the sidelines coughed lightly and asked if she could help him for a second. she stood in and showed him how he should do it. we all stood quite shocked, especially me, i never knew she could improvise like that, or even act as well as she just did, she was very talented to be able to do that, just be able to stand in and do it so well.  " chloe i  never knew you could act like that'' i said in shock.  ''yeh, that was clever, chloe'' the producer said.  she blushed and took her chair in the sidelines again , and my brother got it perfect, chloe smiled as she saw.

we had finished part one of the episode and now it was lunch. myself , maddie and chloe sat around eating tacos. the producer came over to us and asked chloe if he could borrow her. she walked of with him.

''what do you think thats about'' i whispered to maddie.

''my guess is that its something to do with what she did earlier.'' she replied

my heart kind of jumped at the thought of my best friend working with me. but i couldnt think of a part that she could have. i shook the thought away. we talked for a while , soon selena and jeniffer came over and joined in, also asking where chloe had gone, we explained , they both raised their eyebrows and then we just carried on talking. i soon realise that my friend had been gone a while so i excused myself from the conversation and knocked politely on the office door, in which chloe had gone into. there was a quite come in so i entered.

a very excited looking chloe sat oppisite the producer. ''ah abigail come and take a seat.'' i pulled a chair up next to chloe. 

'' i was just talking to chloe about giving her a part in the show.''

wow! where did that come from!!! my face gave a clear sign of shock. but i was very excited

''wow chloe thats amazing! so thats why you have been gone for an hour!''

''yeh i rang my mum, shes coming out here in 2 days, she wants me to take the part''

i squealed and gave her a hug.

'' omg thats so cool, so what part are we talking about here!''

'' i would like to give chloe the part of hanna,  a new girl that comes to your school and you and maddie take her under your wing and as you can imagine, gets involved in all the mischeive!''

so my best friend is now going to be with me everyday, once again, in america, as an actress.                                   

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