Tiny thing to say

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I just wanted to thank everyone who reads this, one because it makes me feel really nice just to see people commenting or favoriting my stories even if they have spelling or grammar errors, so thank you. Just seeing notifications gives me something to look forward to every day, and although I don't update much because I'm kinda low on ideas at the moment I'd love it if you guys had some ideas you'd like to see implemented. I can't believe we are almost at 2k reads! I'm not at the very best place mentally right now, but thank you all for sticking with this. Oh annnddd I almost forgot! If you want a q&a with any of the characters including my oc and have any questions I'd be thrilled to hear them. And with that I bid you-
"You've left me on the shelf of your other ocs because you wanted to make a black butler and mha oc again correct?" "Talia get back on the shelf unless you want to say something to the reader." "Oh... ummmm reader thank you I guess for letting me exist?" "Welp anyway I bid you goodbye dear reader, make requests if you want to and have a lovely day my dear."

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