Im not keeping your bastard child

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"Leave me the hell alone Natalia." Israel's voice was completely dripping with venom. "Or vhat Talia? You'll go running back to America. He's busy with my big brother~ I wanted to be with big brother but you'll do well enough." Talia glared at the snowy nation who circled her like a shark. "Besides каханая you'll be having my child, and I only promised I'd leave big brother and America alone if I was with you. And don't you want your best and one of your only friends to be happy?" Natalia almost smirked. Almost. The Israeli tried her best not to shake as she felt herself being backed up into a wall, Natalias hot breath on her neck. " why.." Talia muttered. "Why me.. why not fucking- anyone else... Why'd you have to go and get me drunk so I'd fuck you." Natalia finally gave in and smirked. "Simple, I realised after I lost big brother I needed someone strong, beautiful... I realised I wanted to be with someone who could bare MY children. Not my carrying there's." Her face stayed less than and inch from Talia. Despite her better judgement she found a light blush covering her cheeks. "I-I'm not keeping it..." Talia mumbled looking down at her feet. "What?" Natalia said. "I'm not keeping your stupid bastard child! I-I I'm not even in love with you..." She felt tear prick her eyes. She could see Natalia trying her best to collect herself and not stab her pregnant partner. "You are keeping it. And I know you've had a crush on me. I know you don't like men. I may be cold but I'm not heartless enough to be with someone who couldn't love me." She turned to face Talia, who was blushing a brilliant shade of red. She grabbed the slightly shorter nations chin. "Let's go see big brother."

Alfred was bored out of his mind and getting really big . He was around 7 months in and wanted it over with. Sure it was nice having Ivan coddle him now and then but sometimes it was a lot. The larger man wouldn't even let his lover see his friends, except for the odd visit to his brothers after finding out Matt was also pregnant, around a month in. He had recently also received news that Francis was pregnant and wanted to congratulate him but was a little too scared to see Arthur again. Apparently Felicano was also pregnant and he found it kind of funny that they were all getting pregnant around the same time. Suddenly the heard a knock at the door. " I'll get it!" Ivan shouted going to get the door as Alfred groaned. He saw Belarus come in and almost shuddered. He had to admit he was still a bit intimidated by the girl even though she stopped pursuing Ivan for some reason. "Oh hey Nat... dudette-" he was stopped mid sentence. "I'm here to talk to big brother. Talia you stay here and behave yourself." Natalias voice was blunt and terrifying as ever, but alfreds attention was brought to a troubled looking Talia, clutching the him of a dress and mumbling. Natalia walked off to talk to her brother leaving Talia alone with Alfred. "Yo Talia why you with Belarus?" He patted the spot of the couch next to him, signalling the Israeli to him. Talia let out a few incoherent mumbles. "What? Gotta speak up dudette." Alfred snickered. "I'm Pregnant!" Talia shouted looking ashamed. "Woah woah dude hold your horses, I thought you were all, 'I will never ever ever have sex with anyone that's gross,'" Alfred mocked but quickly apologised when he saw the look on his friends face. "Natalia got me drunk and knocked me up... I feel so dirty.." She rubbed her eyes and Alfred rubbed her back. "It's ok right? You told me you liked Belarus. Like really liked her." Alfred tried to cheer her up. "I do.. but she only thinks of me as someone to create kids for her.. she doesn't love me she doesn't love anyone. And it's sucks cause I'm in love with the creep.. a-and I kinda want the kid... but I'm not bringing a child into a world where there parents don't love eachother.." She cried burring her face in her hands. "I knew it." Talia turned to see Natalia standing over her and flinched. Nat reached out and held her face, kissing her deeply. "You really think I just picked you because you are hot and strong?" Natalia stood over her, her face twisting to what some could almost consider a smile. "I. Love. You. And you will love me." Natalia bored into Talias eyes. "Now let's go home. I'm done talking to big brother and want to cuddle with my girlfriend." Natalia brought Talia to her feet and the Israeli smiled. Once the pair left Alfred looked at Ivan. "We that was fricking weird."

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