On the flipside

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Arthur didn't know what to feel. He didn't want to be with Alfred but then again he was carrying his child. Arthur took another shot of whiskey before hearing the doorbell ring. He opened it excepting to see Francis but instead seeing Russia. "O-oh hey Russia." He knew of Russia's crush on Alfred and knew he was in for a ass whooping but it didn't come. He stepped into the room and Arthur noticed someone was behind him. "Sunflower you don't have to hide behind me." Russia said cheerfully ruffling Alfreds hair and revealing him. Arthur could see Alfred was shaking as he clung to Russia for dear life. " So you are here to kill me." Arthur responded. "No da. You see me and Alfred are dating now and I'm not partial to my boyfriend carrying your child." Arthur was a bit shell shocked. He looked at Alfred the at Russia. "Anyways I know you know a lot of witchcraft da? Do you think you could replace your baby with mine?" Russia asked smiling. "You don't want to kill it?" Alfred said meekly. "Of course not sunflower." "Ehem well I do think I could manipulate the dna of your child it would most likely be painful and might result in more than one child. I'd also need a sample of your dna." He said to Russia. He didn't know if he wanted Alfred to keep his baby as his or not. "Painful... are you sure you want to do this Fredka?" Russia asked. And Alfred immediately enthusiastically nodded. He obviously didn't want to have the child of someone who abused him. Arthur sighed. "I'll be done by this evening.. it should start take long effect by tomorrow morning."

As soon as the new couple left England's house Ivan immediately picked Alfred up and kissed him. Alfred giggles but then stopped. "Are you ok sunflower?" "Shoot Mattie!" Alfred rushed back to Ivan's house to call his brother who immediately picked up. "Do you have any idea how worried I was!" Mattie cried. "I'm sorry I was at Ivan's and we got snowed in and the phone lines didn't work. He heard Mattie sigh. "When will you be coming home?" Mastitis asked. "Actually I have news!" Alfred sounded very excited. "Hmm..." Alfred heard Mattie drinking coffee from the other end. "Me and Ivan are dating now." He heard his brother spit out his coffee. "What?!" He heard Gilbert scramble in the background. "Yeah and guess what I'm not having England's baby anymore!" "Why do you sound so happy? Did Russia hurt you?did you have a miscarriage" Mattie sounded so worried. "No we got England to do a spell that will turn the dna of the baby into my kid and Ivan's kid!" Alfred exclaimed. He had almost completely forgot about the pain part. "That's super cool! I'll tell everyone. But are you sure that Russia is the right person for you?" Canada asked suspicious of the Russian. It was common knowledge that Ivan had a giant crush on Alfred but he just wanted to make sure he wasn't hurt again." Mhm.. it's weird I feel so different around him." Alfred said. "Did you change your bandages?" Mattie asked. "I'm fine Mattie" "But-." He hung up and felt a hand on his head. "You're staying over tonight da?" "Hmm yeah why?" Alfred was perplexed. Ivan was about to remind him that Arthur said he would be in terrible pain but he stopped himself. "Anyways dude I'm starving, I can make lunch today I know a really simple dish." "Sounds good da." Alfred was about to walk to the kitchen before the phone rang again from the who he guessed was Gilbert or his brother again. He went and picked it up. "Hey Mattie-" "It's France..." Alfred enthusiasm died down. "Oh..." "I wanted to apologise, America," As much as Alfred was mad at Francis he had a much better boyfriend now and realised it was probably better that they broke up. "Oh no it's completely fine, I hate that douche." Alfred laughed. "Honhonhon it's great to see there's now hurt feelings." Francis laughed weirdly then hung up. Alfreds stomach grumbled and he went to make lunch. He for some reason really wanted chilli so he made some and then called for Ivan. The two sat down and ate the chilli. "This is actually very much good Fredka." Ivan grinned. They finished lunch and fell asleep on the couch together, snuggling.

Breakups and babiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon