World Meeting

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"Urghhh Vanya.. I'm 7 and a half months pregnant I'm not going to the stupid godamn meeting." Alfred groaned. Ivan swept down and kissed him on the forehead. "Come on sunflower we don't have much of a choice, you're hosting it." He pat Alfred on the head and he huffed. "You don't want to be late da? Your brother and my sister and even some of the micronations will be there." Ivan messed with Alfred hair some more and handed him some clothes. Alfred changed in front of him oblivious to Ivan's blushing. "Come on dude let's go.." he grumbled pecking Ivan on the cheek. The two entered Ivan's jet black, sleek car and drove to the meeting hall. "Babe?" Alfred asked, receiving a hm in response. "What do you wanna name the babies? I wanna give them cool hero names... I was thinking like  Alfred jr.!" He shouted startling Ivan who chuckled, keeping his eyes on the road. "How about we each name one.. too bad we don't know the genders da." Ivan grinned steering towards  the meeting hall and parking. Ivan helped Alfred out the car and up the stairs only to see that almost everybody was already there. Every country you could think of was there, and even 4 micronations accompanied by there actual nations. He saw a young girl spring up in front of him. "Shalom. I'm Akhzivland! The most peaceful country in all the middle-" "Maya behave yourself." The younger girl puffed and Alfred saw Talia appear beside her with Natalia glued to her glaring at anyone who got close to her. He could see Talia start to show a tiny bit, looking out of place among the rest of her lean, toned body. "But big sis!" "Micronations are a bother aren't they." Arthur appeared and glanced at sealand who was playing with wy. Alfred flinched when he saw Arthur again and felt Ivan's hands go protectively around him. But he stopped when he got a better look at Arthur closer. He had lost the bags under his eyes, his complexion was less deathly pale, he looked happy. Alfred smiled. "Frog don't do anything dumb!" Arthur shouted at Francis who rolled his eyes. "Everyvone settle down. We have a meeting to get on with." Germany commanded. Everyone settled into there seats, Alfred spotted the seating arrangements were very different than they usually wore. Most countries usually chose to sit next to allies or sit next to countries they were geographically close to but it was slightly different. Everyone seemed to be in pairs, with the exception of the Asia nations, nordics, and a few others. Talia raised her hand. "Yes Israel?" Germany responded, she rose to her feet with slight difficulty due to the micronation clinging to her like a baby koala. "Oh yes are we going to address the half of us becoming pregnant thing, also when we have our kids how will the boys like- you know, how will they come out." She asked. Germany suddenly gave her a very concerned look. "Ai let's just let the pansies figure it out when it happens." Scotland's  voice rang. Arthur rubbed his temples. "Why are you even here."  He muttered. "Let's get down to business." Germany yelled.

^Time skip brought to you by the power of Ocs^

The meeting was finally over, it was only one and a half hours but it felt like an eternity and Alfred really had to pee. He rushed to the bathroom right after the meeting finished. Ivan waited for him in the meeting hall. "Ve~Anyone wanna go get lunch?" Italy asked, smiling and cheerily hanging onto Germany. "Wine?" Francis pleaded. "No, you twat. No wine." Arthur said firmly. "You're doing it wrong France," Talia faced Francis and smirked. She pulled herself onto Natalias lap, who was drinking vodka and looking annoyed. "Daddy~ can I have wine?" Talia looked at Nat and smirked. She spit out her vodka all over the table and chuckled echoed through the room. Nat glared at everyone and then rested her head on Talias. "That's not going to happen
каханая, you're not hurting my baby." Talia pouted slightly. "Fine, maya you decide why we go for lunch." She turned to face the micro nation. "Why me? I suck at making decisions.." Maya huffed. "Let's all just go to a dinner! That way we can get whatever we all want." Finland appeared and talked cheerily. Sweden nodded lightly and made a hn noise. Everyone agreed and started getting their stuff. In all most of the nations decided to come, even though many of them didn't like each other. "Are jou coming russia?" Austria asked. Seeing basically everyone was going he nodded. "Da. If Alfreds ok with it." Just then Alfred came back from his bathroom trip. "Ask me about what dude?" "Oh we're all going out for lunch Alfie." Mattie smiled at his brother. "Sounds fun dude. Im in." He grinned.

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