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Alfred woke up the next morning in horrible pain. He felt like his stomach was physically twisting and changing like a string of taffy. Despite the fact he was in excruciating pain he got up quietly in order to not wake up Ivan. He limped to the bathroom but fell on the way there. He just sat there for a while in too much pain to get up.

Ivan woke up well rested, he brushed his teeth and got dressed and was on his way to the kitchen when he saw Alfred on the floor sobbing and clutching his stomach. He immediately ran up to him. "Sunflower why didn't you wake me up!" All he got was a grunt in response. Ivan suddenly remembered what Arthur said early and picked Alfred up taking him to the bathroom.  He decidedly started a warm bath for Alfred in the hopes it would help with  the pain a little. "I'm going to get you some tea, tell me if you need anything." He kissed Alfred on the forehead and went away.

As soon as Ivan left Alfred immediately wanted him back but he was too weak to get up. He just sat there clutching his knees. Ivan came back with the tea and a bagel. He was distraught looking at his lover in such terrible shape. "Shhhh... it's ok...," the phone started ringing. "I'll be right back. Ivan grumbled at having to leave Alfred to pick up the phone. "This better be important." He hissed. "A-ah hello old chap... h-how's Alfred?" The Englishman's voice quivered as he talked. "Awful but I guess that means it's working da.." Ivan responded. "Oh brilliant, by the way I informed everyone." "You what?!" "I just told everybody that I used magic to turn my filthy child into your filthy child." Ivan was almost impressed at Arthur's calm voice, being that he was terrified seconds ago. Ivan wanted to argue but decided against it so he could go back to Alfred. He was walking away when the phone rang again. He cursed under his breath. "What?" Ivan sneered. "Why did vou not mention he would be in extreme pain that's so not awesome-" he heard the somewhat familiar voice of Prussia before it was cut off and Matthews voice was heard. "How is he?" Mattie was terribly concerned his brother. "Really bad.. but I don't really think he wants to see anyone..." Ivan sighed. "Oh ok... Arthur," the spoke harshly when he said the Englishman's name, "Arthur told me the extreme pain only lasts until tomorrow but he'll probably feel very achey tomorrow." Mattie decided to stop there allowing Ivan to get back to Alfred.

*a few hours later*
Alfreds pain has dulled just enough to where he felt his neck ease enough for him to talk, although shakily, and enough for him to get out of the bath, with help from Ivan. The pair lates on the couch, Alfred making pained faces every so often before he was finally able to fall asleep. Ivan ran his fingers through Alfred hair and thought of what there future child might look like. He probably should have also asked if Alfred would stay at his 3 month pregnant stage or if he would regress but seeing as his stomach had only grown he found it a safe bet he would not regress. Ivan had a hard time falling asleep. But eventually was able to do so to the sound of Alfreds gentle snores.

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