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Alfred awoke warm and comfortable but with a dull pain and a headache a familiar wave of nausea he almost was happy to feel because it meant his baby was ok. He tip toed out of bed and threw up for about 5 minutes before he found himself really hungry. Alfred made himself and Ivan pancakes and sat them down at the table. He ate 4 of them and looked down to see his stomach was noticeably bigger than it was yesterday, but he shrugged it off. Alfred found a book on pregnancy in Ivan's library, which was actually quite big and found his morning sickness should be about finished. He sighed with relief. But that got him thinking.. he had no name ideas yet.

Ivan slowly yawned as he woke up holding Alfred at his side. "Good morning sun-" he looked down to see that he was no longer holding Alfred, but a large pillow. He tried not to panic but he couldn't help doing so. After all Alfred was now having his child. "Fredka!" He shouted looking for him in a somewhat hurry. He quickly pulled on some pants and a shirt and paced around the house, however it was a pretty big house. "Sunflower!" Ivan started to get really worried. 'What if he's been kidnapped?! Or worse.. what if he left because he was mad at me for putting him through all that pain.' Ivan was now sweating his eyes followed with worry. Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Ivan~"Ivan felt someone with a familiar voice hug him from behind. He sighed in relief. "I couldn't find you, don't worry me like that, sunflower." He kissed him on the forehead and put a hand on Alfreds slighter bigger stomach. "I can't believe you're having my baby.." he stared at it for a while, the two standing in silence. "Sooo... any name ideas dude? I was thinking a hero name like... Alfred junior!" Ivan rolled his eyes and kissed Alfred on the cheek quickly. "I was thinking Sophia or Angela," Ivan was honestly hoping for a girl bug he would be fine was a boy as well. "Oh did Mattie call?" Alfred stopped clutching to Ivan. "Da, he did." Ivan smiled and pat Alfred lightly on the head. "Ooo lets go visit him!" Before Ivan could see anything Alfred started putting on him shoes and coat. Ivan laughed to himself and put on his boots as Alfred dragged him to the car. He started driving and after a while the two reached Matthews house. "Fredka we're-" Ivan was cut off as Alfred quickly stood up falling into his lovers arms. Ivan was about to tell him to be more careful but Alfred quickly kissed him on the lips. Alfred giggled and walked up to the large oak door of Matthews house leaving Ivan speechless. After a few seconds Ivan chuckled and walked next to his lover who knocked on Matthews door. A very disheveled and upset look Matthew greeted them. "Mattie.. what's wrong dude..?" Alfred became increasingly worried for his brother as Ivan hugged him from behind. "Come in.." The Canadian brought them inside. They were seated on Matthews couch, his house seemed very quiet. "So..." "me and Gilbert broke up." Matthew uncharacteristically interrupted. "Mattie why didn't you tell me?! What happened?" Alfred looked ready to kill someone and Ivan sat there grinning. "I-I um.. he was cheating on me with Austria.. but.. it's ok." Matthew tried to smile. "Ok?! How the fuck is it ok for someone to cheat on you?!" Alfred yelled as he stood up. He was tugged down by Ivan who hugged him into his lap. "Calm down sunflower... the doctor said not to stress" Ivan hugged Alfred who grumbled. "It's ok.. because I think he was trying to get back at me... for cheating on him with Cuba.. it was a um mutual break up." Matthew stuttered as he spoke afraid of how Alfred would react. "Oh.. then where's Cuba. Are you guys dating now?" Alfred responded relatively calm which surprised the Canadian. "O-oh yeah we're dating now! He's out getting lunch right now.." Everyone sat in silence for a while before Matthew finally decided to break the silence. "How's the baby? I can't believe ENGLAND was able to change its dna." Matthew always said England like he wanted to kill him but smiled as he spoke. There was a sudden movement and Ivan saw Alfred flinch. "Are you ok Al?!" Matthew looked at him in alarm. "I'm fine I think I felt the baby kick." Ivan places his hand on his lovers stomach and felt a tiny foot against his hand. Ivan kissed Alfred on the head as they heard someone enter. "I swear chico we're-" the Cuban man stopped dead in his tracks when he saw America. "Oh hey... America." Cuba said as he scratched the back of his neck. "And Russia...." the Cuban stumbled back in fear. "Oh don't worry I already told them." Cuba visibly exhaled. "Soo I got a lot.. wanna stay for lunch." Ivan and Alfred stayed for lunch and Cuba told them how they first did it when they were drunk and he thought Matthew was America. And he still thought he was America until there 3rd time having an affair. Well only Matthew because Cuba was single. However the two agreed that things were better with them together. Cuba was grinning as he talked and by the time they were done with lunch Ivan and Alfred were on there way. The two returned home and fell asleep together on the couch.

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