Big brother problems

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Talia was laying on the couch, chickpea perched on her shoulder when a thought came to her mind, 'should I tell Egypt?' It should have been a easy question, after all Egypt was her older brother, he had... kinda helped raise her and they were on pretty ok terms after they signed there treaty but they still fought basically every time they were around each other. And besides she pretty much considered a lot of countries as her 'big brother,' America, England, France, they all helped her become a country, despite her somewhat bad relationship with Britain as of late. "Hey Nat?" She called out, waiting for the stone faced girl to emerge. They'd been working on her showing her emotions but they had only made all small amount of progress. "Yes bunny?" She leaned down her face almost smiling, causing Talia to smile brightly. "Should I tell my brother about... you know what?" Talia asked scratching chickpeas chin. "Sure, but big brother and America are the only ones who know right?" Knowing where this was going Natalia grabbed two scarfs. "Yeah but I'm only like less than a month in. Come on let's go snowpea." She kissed Natalia on the head and quickly tied up her thick, curly hair. The pair got in the car and Talia gave Nat Egypt's address. "Hey дзіцятка? What are we gonna name the child?" Natalia mumbled while steering. " we have a while... but I was thinking a Yiddish name." She said adjusting her scarf. "No way in hell am I giving my Belarusian baby a name in Yiddish," Natalia heard Talia grumble. "Fine it can have a Yiddish MIDDLE name." Nat sighed. Talia smiled and nodded.

It took a while to drive and arrive at Egypt's home, which smelt like a old sandpit. The smell made Talia nauseous and she threw up in a bush near the house. Natalia came up behind her and rubbed her back. "You sure you wanna do this каханая?" She asked using the end of her scarf to wipe off her face. Talia nodded and took a deep breath. "Let's just go." The pair knocked on the door and her younger brother Jordan opened it. "Oh hey Jordan how are you." Talia said, she was on ever so slightly better terms with her younger brother so she was less worried. "hey sis, here to see Egypt?" Talia nodded and the pair entered Egypt's ancient home. Her eyes landed on Egypt and noticed he was drinking tea with Greece. "Oh hello Israel." He said, his voice slightly cold. "And why is the communist with you?" Natalia growled and the two sat down, Talia holding Nats hand under the table. Talia fidgeted with her scarf and took a deep breath. "I know we haven't had the best relationship... and .. Umm." Talia stuttered trying to face her brothers . "Spit it out Tal." Jordan said slightly annoyed. "She's pregnant with my child." Natalia said matter a factly almost smirking. "She's what?!" Egypt slammed his fists against the table in a manner uncharacteristic of the usually relatively calm nation. "Egypt calm down." Greece muttered continuing to drink his tea. "No! We might have fought a lot and shit but I'm not letting my younger sister w-whore herself out to a snowy bitch country." Egypt yelled. Jordan shifted uncomfortably, knowing there wasn't much he could do and Greece sighed. Natalia grabbed a knife seemingly out of no where and pointed it at Egypt. "Don't talk about my girlfriend like that shit face!" She screeched putting the knife right next to his face. "Nat stop... let's just go ok..." Natalia sighed. "Fine каханая..." the couple left, Talia leaning into Natalias chest.

Once the two left Greece pulled out his phone. "What are you doing Greece?" Jordan asked studying the Greek man. "Calling people to tell them about this." He replied nonchalantly. "That's private." Jordan said glaring at the Greek man who rolled his eyes and left, presumably to tell everyone. "Fucking-"



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