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(There's a OC insert in this chapter so if you're not into that you can skip.this chapter also is less serious, so it's kinda like a fun break. Just really wanted to use these characters."

Israel sat at her desk, dark shoulder length brown hair put in a ponytail. Her skin was tan, her eyes were amber and half the world hated her. She really didn't care, though, as long as she had her closest friends. Speaking of closest friends she was, to say the least befuddled. Her closest ally had been ignoring her for months, so she decided to pay him a visit, only to see the sunshine blond American wasn't there. She twitched as she made her way through a avalanche of paperwork before sighing. "I'm going to go find ame!" She shouted scaring the small bird sitting on the edge of her desk. "Sorry chickpea." She coughed adjusting her uniform before rising to her feet. Alfred was like a brother to her. Granted she had multiple brothers, Egypt... the other one, but she didn't have the... best relationship with them. She used to see France and England as brothers, heck even Denmark but after they blew her off for being controversial she had only Canada and America left. "Canada! That's right I can call him." She smiled to herself, her amber eyes glistening. She got her phone and dialled the Canadians number. "Hey Ca-" she was cut off by a sickeningly familiar voice. "Well hello there Israel."   "God damnit North Korea." She cursed. "How is it relying on western countries and America?" Israel could just hear his smirk. "How's being the shadiest country ever? Oh and being beat by me?" North Korea hung up. Chick pea squawked in approval before he landed on Israel's shoulder. "Hi Canad-" "Big sis do you finally recognize me as the most peaceful country in the Middle East! Because I am.  ." Israel rubbed her temples at the overly cheery voice. "Listen akhzivland, your a micro nation, and stop calling me big sister," she hung up and sighed. Did Canada give her the wrong number? She tried for the last time. "H-hello?" She sighed in relief at the shy, calm voice. "Hey Canada have you seen America?" She tried to sound friendly. "Cuubbaaa~ stop~" Canada moaned. Israel almost barfed. She had technically existed for longer than the Italy brothers, being passed from one kingdom to another until she finally became her own country, a very technologically advanced one at that and still was repulsed by the thought of dating someone, anyone. "O-Oh I'm sorry yeah I saw him..he's pregnant and he's living with Russia now.." Canada sounded disinterested. "Cuba- I'm talking to-." Israel hung up and angrily dialed Russia.

*Russia and americas house*

America was already 4 months pregnant and it had began to show, a lot. It made the snowy nation think Alfred would be having multiples much to his glee. The two spent most days cuddling, doing paperwork and watching movies together because the American was worn out by early night. The phone rang and Ivan got up to get it. The caller ID look foreign but he answered anyway. "Hello this is Russia da?" He said to the phone cheerily. "What in g-o-d's name did you do to ame?" The girl on the other end had a accent he couldn't place, her voices pitch however slightly reminded him of his younger sisters. "Umm who are you?" The Russian asked. "I'm Israel... we fought in a war." Israel answered annoyed. "Alfredka do you know a... 'Israel?'" He saw as Alfred bolted up and ran to the phone. "Talia! It's been forever howya been?" Alfred asked the phone. "Alfie Canada said your-you had intercourse with russia..." Israel grumbled not commenting on the use of her human name. "Oh that's cuz I am." He answered playfully. Alfred heard the Israeli mutter something in Hebrew than hang up. "You're friends with that girl?" Russia inquired. "Yup!"

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