Akward meetings

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Italy stretched awake accidentally bumping a still sleeping Germany with his fist. The Italian got up, surprised to see he was awake before Germany. He quickly glanced at the alarm clock and noticed it was only 5 am, however he always had a hard time going back to sleep after he woke up early, and after all he wasn't very tired so he decided to go to a 24 hour store near his home. He shrugged on his clothes and glanced with a smile at the rare sight of a sleeping Ludwig. He heard him mumbling, but shook it off and left. When he arrived he was surprised to see the store wasn't empty considering the time of day, in fact there were five semi familiar people in the store, some talking, and one looking very upset. The small Italian knew better than to easedrop but soon became absorbed in the conversation. "Da. And what do you want me to do?" A voice he somewhat recognised as Russia's said seemingly very annoyed. "She's your sister, I knew she was crazy but she godamn fucking- urgh!" It took Felicano a few seconds to realise who's voice it was. "Oh get over yourself Israel America's pregnant, France is probably pregnant by now knowing how England is, Canada is, probably a shitload of other countries are by now." He recognised the other voice as Eypt, somehow sounding pissed and calm at the same time. 'What Canada and Israel are pregnant, huh. I wonder if I can get pregnant.' Feli thought to himself before focusing on the conversation in front of him. "I'll tell Belarus, da? But I gotta go in case Alfred wakes up, he'll be worried." Russia mumbled, then left. "Kesese sucks to suck." Prussia snickered. "Oh shut it dumped dumbass." Israel stormed out. He could see that Finland was also there just trying to shop and looking very confused. ' ve~ So two girls work just like two boys and one girl and one boy? Weird.' Feli thought trying to pass by without coming in contact with eypt or Finland. 'I think I'll visit Israel later Ve~ and I'll bring over pasta. That would be nice.' The Italian thought as he passed through the rows of merchandise before stopping at a pregnancy test. 'Might as well, I have been gaining a tiny bit of weight,' the nation giggled to himself and grabbed the test before checking out.

When Felicano finally returned home he saw it was still only 6 am and Ludwig was still very sound asleep. He decided to test out the pregnancy test. As he entered the bathroom and followed the instructions on the box he suddenly became worried. 'I know I want a bambino, but what about Ludwig? I know he's kinda grumpy around kids..' He finished following the instructions and put the stick down. 'It says I have to wait 15 minutes.' Felicano sighed and put his head against the wall, pulling out his phone and setting a timer for 15 minutes. He played a game on his phone to district himself until the timer ran out. He looked at the test and..... tiny pink plus sign.... positive. He didn't know what to feel so he started crying what if Ludwig didn't want it? What if he broke up with him? Suddenly the door burst open revealing a groggy, half naked German. "I heard you crying vhat's wrong?" Ludwig kneeled down next to Feli. Felicano took a few shaky breaths and showed him the test. "I-Is this real?" Felicano only nodded but flinched when Ludwig hugged him and kissed his forehead. "Good."

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