Early christmas gift (perrie)

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Perries POV
Today is Christmas Eve and I'm currently on my way to get a puppy for my girlfriend as an early Christmas gift. She's always wanted a Pomeranian so as the good girlfriend that I am, I'm going's to surprise her with it.

As I arrive at the place, I park my car and head to the door and knock "ahh you must be Perrie" the woman said "yep that's me" I smiled "okay follow me" as she invited me into her house it was a modern house the type that me and y/n are looking for as we only stay in a apartment.

As she's walking through her house we finally made it to the puppy's and oh my god a want them all. "Was a boy or a girl that you wanted" she looked at me "I'll take a boy please" as she picked up the only boy there "here you go" as she set him in my lap he was perfect like a little lion in my hands I smile "he perfect" I hand over the money "now before you go here is a little bag of toys there are I think a collar and a lead in there and his favourite blanket with the mums scent on it"  "okay thank you, have a good Christmas" I smiled and took the bag and the dog "you to hunny hope you have a good Christmas with this little guy" she smiled.

I walked outside to the car and set him in a little basket "y/n will love you" I said to him.

(While later)
"Baby I'm home" I yelled I heard running "Baby" she smiled and came up to me and hugged me "hi bub, can you go sit on the couch for a minute I got something for you" she nodded.

I went to sit in the couch and I waited for Perrie to come through with what ever she got me.
I heard footsteps coming into the living room I looked up and saw that she was holding a basket in her hand a very small one as well. "Okay so when I said to you that I was at the studio today I lied" she said "but it's for a good reason because I wanted to get tryout early Christmas gift" she looked towards the basket and I noticed it moving and she placed it on my lap and that's when a little head popped out form the basket. "Oh my god, you did not" I looked towards her "yeah I did" i uncovered the basket and there was a little Tan Pomeranian I picked him up and he stared to lick my face I giggle "I love him already thank you pez best early Christmas gift ever" I put him down and hugged Perrie "I love you" I smiled in her neck "I love you to bub, now what are you gonna call him" she looked at me. I picked him up and looked at him "I think I'll name him" I looked at him for a bit and the perfect name came to mind "I wanna call him hatchi" (a/n: I had to 😌) "hatchi I like that name" she smiled "our little family is growing" I giggle "that it is baby" she kisses my lips.

The end
Merry Christmas Eve babies 😘😘

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