She doesn't give you attention Leigh-Anne

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"Babe, babe," you have been trying to get Leigh-Annes attention for over an hour but she has been to focused on her work and she's not focused enough on you.

An idea had popped into your head "fine if your not gonna give me attention that's fine let just test you hmm" you smile evilly while whispering into her ear. As your walking away you here one of the girls on face time "Leigh-Anne whys your face so red" "uh..n-no reason".

As you entered you closet that you share with Leigh, you found your most revealing outfit you had.

You exited the bathroom and walked toward the door to exit the bedroom you had your phone in your hand while walking out the door and you felt her eyes on you, you smirked to your self. You walked downstairs grabbed a banana and walked back upstairs your plan was to try and suddenly her to give you attention.

You entered the bedroom she immediately looked at you but your attention was on your phone. You walked towards the bed swaying your hips a bit you hear her groan you giggle to yourself.

As your peeling your banana you feel her stare as you, you peel the banana slowly and take a bit of it.

As she turned back around to focus you huff a little because the plan did not work, you thought to yourself "how will i get her to focus on me" and idea popped into your head to try and make her jealous. 

You walk back into the closet and changed into a less sexy outfit, you walk out to see her still focusing on her work with the girls on face time you sit on the bed and start taking photos of yourself trying to the find the right one for instagram.

When you posted your picture you heard her phone ping she looked at it and saw the photo she groaned she knows what you want.

By the time the girls were of FaceTime but she's still working you had another idea you walked up behind her and whispered into her ear " you know what i want baby" you kiss her neck you heard her moan a little "please i just wanna cuddle with you" you give her the puppy eyes while sitting on her lap. She looks you in the eye and kisses you "fine you win" you squeal with excitement.

Before you stand up she roughly grabs you back to her lap and kisses you with passion. You blush at her actions "you know you can change into that outfit you had on before" she wiggles her eyebrows you lean down and whisper in her ear "you had your chance babe" you got off her lap and walked towards the bed '"come on lets watch a movie" she shook her head and got changed and got into be. 

You snuggled into her you arms around her waist and hers around yours and turned the movie of course its a Disney because why not and plus your addicted to Disney. "i cant believe i let you distract me" you giggle "you loved me though" you reached up to kiss her cheek she pouted "what" "you missed" you giggled and kissed her lips "love you Leigh-Leigh" "love you to y/n" you smiled and watched the movie.

The end 🙃☺️

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