Mates little mix x y/n (part 2)

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Previously .......

"can I?" She asked you nodded she attached her lips to yours sparks went all over your body you wrapped you arms around her neck until a cough interrupted your kiss "what about us" they pouted you got up and gave them all a kiss on the lips "better" you giggled a little "much better now let's get you home hmm and maybe get to know you" Leigh's hand landed on your thigh you gulp "um..yeah" you said getting flustered.
They had followed you to your home you had grabbed the bags with your new cloths in it, the queens had gotten out of there car and stared to walk towards your house "you have a lovely home bub" jade had said form behind you, you jumped a little "sorry I didn't know you were behind me" you giggled a little "its alright dear" Perrie said you blushed at the nickname she gave you.

You all walked through the door "mum I'm home" "about time u get home" she came walking through from the kitchen and noticed the queens standing in the living room "oh god what has have u done why are the queens here" she whispered in my ear but before I could tell her they are my mates she stared freaking out and going up to the apologising to them "I'm sorry for whatever she has done" "mum" she didn't answer u "mother" still didn't answer "Mother" she turned to you "what" "calm down I haven't done nothing" "then why are they here" "well if you give me a chance to explain instead of freaking out I'll tell you why" "sorry dear" you looked at them and told them to come in and make themselves at home.

They had walked towards the living room you and your mum following behind them, they sat down in the clinch whilst you and you mum sat on the other "so what's going on" she looked at you "well you know how I haven't found my mate yet" "mhm" "um..well when I was at the mall today I was just about to go into a shop when all of a sudden lexi screamed mate go find them" "OH MY GOD MY BABY FOUND HER MATE, what's do they look like, when do I get to meet them, ohh when's the wedding" "there goes my ear drums again" lexi said, you looked at her wide eyes "Mum!" "What I'm excited for you" "anyway I followed the smell and I ended up in the food court when I found my mates" you looked over at the girls your mum didn't get it at first but then she jamp up and squealed "oh my goddd one of them are your mates" she said happily "well no" "what" she was confused "um all four are my mates" "and all our of them are smexy" lexi grinned in your head your rolled your eyes, you got up and went over to them and stood behind them "mum meet my mates Perrie, Leigh-Ann, Jade and jesy" you smiled. She look at them "well don't just sit there come hug your mother in law" your eyes widen they all got up and hugged her "you may be the queens, but if your break ya daughters heart I won't hesitate to break your face" her eyes glowed red showing her alpha side "yes alpha plus we wouldn't dare would we girls" Leigh said "Im in love already" lexi said grinning like a girl who had just been asked to prom., the other shook there head "okay then you girl can run along now" "mum stop asking questions come they need to go now" "okay, okay I'm sorry you ladies best be of then" "cmon let's go to my room" you said to them. They looked at you and smirked "and do what bub" jade said smirking you face instantly went red and you knew what they meant " not that you horndogs I meant as" you couldn't get your word out as they were all staring at you with a smirked and eyes glowing the smallest bit "let's just go upstairs" you stated to go upstairs then following behind " you better not do what I'm thinking your gonna do" you mum shouted from the living room "Mum no!".

You and the girls had gotten to the room you went and sat on the bed and looked up only for u to see them staring at your room "I know it's not much but" "hey no it's beautiful just like you" Jesy said you face went red at the comment "well cmon then" they looked confused until u patted the bed for then to sit down they and came running up and sat beside you squishing you in the middle but you didn't mind you were getting there body heat.

You put on a movie and half way through you had fallen asleep with you head in jades shoulder "PST guys look" jade whispers to the others "she's so beautiful how did we get so lucky" Jesy said they had all laid down you head was in jades neck arms wrapped around her waist.

(Next morning)
You woke up to something cuddling you, you looked down and saw jade snuggled into your neck and her arms now around your waist you smiled but you also really needed to use the toilet. You detached jades arms from your waist and climbed over the other and went to the bathroom all of a sudden you heard a knock at the door "one sec" you done your business and opens the door to a sleepy jade looking at you "she looks so adorable look at her pretty eyes" lexi said "I woke up and couldn't find you I got worried" she gave you an adorable look "sorry baby I had to use the toilet" "it's okay, but let's go back it bed I'm still tired" you laughed at her a little "let's go baby" you and jade go back into bed and cuddled.

(Few hours later)
You woke up to a cold bed so you got up and went downs stair to find your mum and the girls takin "look who decided to wake up" you we never a morning person but they didn't know that so u put the middle finger up at them and huffed and wen to the kitchen for food. When making your breakfast you were pushed against the counter your eyes widened you looked up and saw Perrie with a glare on her face "better watch on who you put that finger up to baby or you might get punished" "I..I um just not a morning person sorry" you looked down you felt a finger go lift your chin up "it's okay baby just don't do it again okay" "I'll think about" you giggled and ran through it the living room where everyone else was and giggles and then you relised you left your food. You slowly got back up and went through checking that Perrie wasn't there you got your food and went back to the room.

(After a few hours)
"Baby we have to go now and do queen stuff" jade said sadly "but I don't want you to go" you huffed "we will be back later tho" Leigh said "okay" " can we get a kiss" Jesy said you giggled of course you can. You went up to them and kissed each one at a time "bye bye baby" they said in sync "bye bubys" you walked them to the door and watched drive away, "I love them already"your mum said "so do I" you smiled "me three" lexi said you giggled at her.
Part two finished hope you liked it
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