Pregnant (pt3)

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Ima just leave this here :)))

Perrie had just came home from a studio session with the girls and as she shut the door she heard crying in the kitchen "babe are you okay" she said running into the kitchen and she saw you sitting on the floor with an empty jar of Nutella "no I'm not okay, I don't have any Nutella left" you crying harder Perrie laughed you tired to her and gave her a glare "don't laugh it's not funny" you pouted "okay okay I'm sorry baby" she said kissing your forehead "how about I run to the store and get u some more Nutella and maybe some pickles (idk it's the first thing that came to mind) yeah how does that sound" she said you looked up at her "really!" You said in surprise "yeah I'll be back okay bubs you go sit on the clinch and relax" "okay" you said as you got up struggling and bit and you waddled to the couch Perrie giggled and little at you little pregnancy waddle.

"Baby I'm back" Perrie said walking though the door she walked through with the pickles and Nutella in hand. She noticed you had fallen asleep she shook u a little you groaned "baby cmon I got the goods" that made you jump awake "I'm up!" You shouted and grabbed the pickles and Nutella out of her hand and stuffed it in your face and moaned "tank you bubs" you said with a full mouth she giggled "your welcome love".

(We gonna skip a few months like when u gonna pop ;) )

Your were due any time now and you were shutting yourself. As you were going to get ready for bed you suddenly felt a gush of wetness you looked down and  saw that your water had just broke "PERRIE!!" You shouted she came running in and saw the situation "is it time?" She said "well no shit Sherlock my water just broke ah shirt" you started feel the pain "okay okay ima get your bag okay" she said quickly "hurry up then" "shit shit shit" you whimpered "okay I have it let's go baby" she said.

Perrie had texted all the girls and your and hers parents you got in the car and Perrie put the foot down to the hospital. As you arrived Perrie parked near the entrance and got out quickly to get nurse to help her.

(2 hours later)
"Okay mrs edwards its time to push my dear" the nurse said you grabbed onto the side of the bed and pushed as hard as you could "ahhhhh" "that's it babe" Perrie said while stroking your forehead "okay, push" more pushes later you surely heard a cry you smiled and relaxed "congratulations it's a health baby boy" she looked up to Perrie "you want to cut the cord" Perrie nodded and went to cut the cord "here you go my dear, you did well" the nurse praised you while putting the baby on your chest you started to cry a little. You smile as you looked at your sons face "what should his name be" you looked up at Perrie "how about (boys name) edwards" "I like it" you smiled Perrie noticed you wear struggling to keep your eyes open "here pass me him you get some rest okay" she kissed your head you hummed and muttered a quite okay while handing over your baby.

(After the nap)
You woke up to see that Perrie was staring at you "it's rude to stare you know" you said "hey I can stare all I want cause your my wife" she smiled and kissed you "how's he doing" "he's doing fine don't worry, also our family's and the girls are coming"  "okay".

You heard a knock on the door Perrie had passed the baby to you and had gotten up to see who it was and it was the girls and family "hey pez" they all greeted her and as they walked in they saw the baby and just melted "awww" that's all you heard and it made you smile "he's gorgeous y/n" jade said "yeah he is isn't he" you look up at them all "who wants a hole of him then, cause you all have desperate looks on your faces" you said giggling "me!" They all said you laughed and passed him to your mum first "I'm so proud of u baby girl" you smiled "thanks momma"

(A year later)
"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear (boys name cause I can't think of onee) happy birthday to you" you all sang to your baby boy it was like yesterday her was just born just the thought made you tear up "" you looked shocked "did he just..." everyone looked shocked he made grabby hands at you so u picked him up and he snuggled into your neck "my baby boy" Perrie cleared her throat you looked up and giggled "sorry our baby boy" she smiled and laugh and join the hug "I love you both" Perrie said as she kissed your and her baby's head "we love you too" you smiled everyone just looked at this cute family moment and you know they definitely took pictures.

This is the last part of this so I hoped you enjoyed it. Also sorry for not being active I have had school and I'm already stressed anyway enjoy again :))

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