Chapter 13 - Leading Up to the Plan

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***Lexi's POV***

"So you're telling me that you were with Niall but not in a bad way, just discussing something?" Bridget asked, and I nodded. I had been trying to explain to her all morning that I would never do that to her, or Harry! She'd just been ignoring me, which was a bad thing on her part because I was about ready to give up and tell her I was making out with Niall for two hours straight. That would not have been good.

"Okay, I'm really sorry for flipping out and ignoring you this morning. I can't help but be jealous at the slightest things. He's Niall Horan, can you blame me?" She said again, and I laughed and shrugged. I hadn't been much for talking this morning, because for some reason my throat hurt really bad. I think I'm getting the cold Harry at when he first came to the campground, because he warned me the other day to stop kissing him on the lips. Like that's going to stop me.

Someone came up to me, covering my eyes with their hands, "Hello, beautiful." I heard the deep voice say, and immediately knew it was Harry. Speaking of my angel<3 Cheesy move, but whatever gets a girl going, you know?

"Hello, my prince." I said, and he laughed, grabbing my hand while standing next to me.

"I'm not your prince." He said, looking disgusted. Right then and there I was thinking of all the possible things I could have done bad to him.. "Niall is a girls prince. I'm just Harry." He squeaked, and I let out a sigh of relief. Then I realized, silly Lexi! You haven't done anything bad to him! Not yet anyways.. I mean, what.

"Scare the crap out of me!" I said, and felt my pocket buzz. Quickly, I looked at who it was from, and excused myself from Bridget and Harry.

From: Nialler 

Hey, it's going on later this afternoon. Call me?

Niall. I have to call him, like now. Then Harry will ask who I'm calling and if I say Niall he might suspect something that Bridget was expecting. Call Niall, or visit him later? Ohmigosh, this plan is important. I have to call him now.

"I have to call somebody, be right back?" I said, and Harry nodded me away. Him and Bridget were headed into the store, and I went into the Rec Room.

"Hey." I heard a thick Irish accent from the other end of the phone. His accent is so cute, it's a wonder Bridget only seems to be attracted to his looks and voice, and whatever else that's adorable. 

"Hey, so you gonna do it tonight? I'm sure you'll do great, as long as you don't pass out from nervousness. Nobody knows except me and Zayn. It should go perfect!" I rambled, and stopped myself to hear what he had to say. I peeked around the corner outside the store to make sure Harry and Bridget weren't snooping. Nope. 

"Yeah, yeah. I want you to be there, so I'm gonna have an early-before-dark picnic thing. You think that would be okay? Kind of suspicious with just you, her, and me, you think?" He said, and I thought for a moment. Filling in the silence with a sigh, I wondered if it would be too suspicious to her. Who cares? Not even ten minutes after that will he be performing!

"It's fine, I'm sure of it. She's going to find out anyways, why not let her in on part of it by taking the risk asking her on a first picnic date?" I said, and I could hear his brain churning in his head practically. It sounded like a wave was crashing up against the phone because of his breathing, and he sighed.

"Yeah, yeah I guess. Okay, well I got to go, Harry and Bridget are coming. Later!" He said, and I quickly mumbled a goodbye while looking throught the stores window. How did they leave without me seeing!? They could have been snooping before heading out! Oh my God, who cares!

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