Chapter 4- The LONG Ride Back To Camp

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Shanni1230

**Shannon's POV** (Because I know she's probably the only one reading this story ;D)

Ahead of all the others, I reached my families boat in about five seconds after leaving the ropeswing. 

"MOM, DAD, LETS GO BACK TO CAMP. LIKE, NOW." I shrieked after the boys boat had been out of sight. I needed to get back to camp quickly so we could all hang out again! I might even have to separate Liam and I out of all of us together so maybe we can get to know each other... No, Shannon. You can't do that to your friends. Spending quality time with Liam should not be your only thought! Think of Harry, Niall, and Zayn. They're probably drooling over me also, don't just jump to Liam! ;D

"Shannon, we need to talk. Don't just go throwing yourself all over Liam like that. He's famous, you know. He has probably broken hundreds of girls hearts." My mother started. I knew this speech could last a lifetime if I was lucky (Note the sarcasm) so I quickly stopped her.

"Mom, he's been dating Danielle for what seems like forever now. They just broke up a few weeks ago, i don't want to rush him unless I know he's ready. Calm down, I know what I'm doing! And besides, I didn't mean to trip over that stump!" I said, and ran over to my dad so he could start the boat. Before I could even start talking, he got up because Kate and Michaela had gotten aboard. He started the boat, meanwhile my mom was taking out the anchor. 

"Can you believe that just happened!? Mom, you better have gotten a picture of me sitting on ZAYN MALIK'S lap! You did, didn't you?" Michaela asked my mom, and my mom sighed.

"I did get some pictures of you with Zayn, and Shannon with Liam. Even a few with you, Niall, and Harry, Katelyn." My mother replied. Kate made her best 'I don't care.' face, but you could tell she was excited my mom got a few pictures of her with the boys.

"Cool." Kate answered, and I smirked at her. You could so tell she was bursting with happiness on the inside!

The Morter's picked a bad time to start a race with us. My dad let me be behind the wheel for awhile. They speeded up, clearly because Lauren and Bridget had told them to. I put it on full speed and we flew across the Sparrows, entering the area in which the campground docks were. My dad, trying to walk towards the wheel from the back of the boat, was screaming at me to slow down. I only slowed down once I knew we would be arriving first back at the campground.

The boys boat wasn't at the docks, and I wondered if they might have gotten the campground name mixed up. But, there isn't any other campground on Hampton Lake. Hmm, I wonder where they went? I'll text Liam when we get all of our stuff unpacked.

When we get all of our stuff unpacked? Forget unpacking! I'm texting him now!

I rummaged through my mom's water-proof box to find a paper with all the boys numbers written neatly in cursive. This couldn't be Paul's handwriting, could it!?

Who cares! I looked at the paper. Liam's number was 555-5555 (Yes, it is a fake number -,-) What a cute number.<3

To: Liam Payne!

Hey Liam, this is Shannon. The girl from the ropeswing that rudely flew into your personal space. Anyways, were back at the campground, and I just wanted you to know this is my number! 

Perfect! Hopefully he will text me back immediately, or I might just have a spazz attack. I saw Bridget and Lauren crowded around their dad, probably getting all of One Direction's numbers entered in their phones also. Even Kate was entering their numbers!

"Okay, Kate. Make sure you don't go around giving everyone One Direction's numbers. That would be really disrespectful, even if they aren't your favorite band." I announced to Kate, trying to sound as mature and professional as possible. Kate sighed, like she had been planning to the whole time.

"I'm just kidding. I wouldn't give their numbers away! I want people to be jelly I have One Direction's numbers! Also, don't worry. I have their contact info locked, so nobody could steal my phone and get the numbers." Kate answered. Wow, that was a smart idea. To lock the info. 

"That's what I did too." I said, and then quickly added a password to their numbers. Just go with the flow, a little lying won't hurt anybody! 

I felt a buzz in my pocket, and quickly whipped out my phone to see I had a new text from.. Liam! :D

From: Liam Payne!

Oh, hey Shannon! Yeah, awesome. We went to some quick stop called Hefterson Market to pick up a few pizzas for dinner. We'll be back in a few so we can all hang. See you soon ;*


This is going to be amazayn.


Hey guys! Here's chapter 4 ;D (Sort of another filler... :/) The next chapter will be goody goody tho! because then all the peeps finally meet up back at the campground ;D

Yes, a little romantical things will be going onnn(:





Ropeswings Aren't Always Dangerousजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें