Chapter 7 - My Feelings Will Never Change

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Hello everybody who reads my a/n!

How're you doin on this fineee Sunday almost afternoon? 

Here's Bridget's chapter, because I know she's been patiently waiting for it while I've been doing Shannons(:

Oh yeah, Bridge. Nidget action FO SHO. ;p

Hope you guys like ittt(;

**Niall's POV**

Is it wrong of me to like someone who's three years younger than me? I don't know why, but I'm just so attracted to Bridget. She's cute, funny, and just plain adorable! Tell me that doesn't sound perfect.

Hanging out with Bridget at the old, run down playground that is supposedly fun to younger kids, we were just sitting there, explaining our lives to each other. I guess you could say we were getting to know each other in case something might happen during my visit to Groundmine... But whatever.

"New Hampshire is a pretty interesting state to live in. Fun sometimes, boring other times. I'm actually going to one of your concerts in Hershey Park sometime in 2013. I was so excited I'd actually be in the same place as you guys, and now look at me. I'm actually talking to you by myself." She said, smiling. I loved her smile. She didn't care about her braces showing like I did. Her braces made her smile light up like nobody else's. And yes, I can use that line because I partially wrote it.

"You're so adorable. I never thought that I'd meet a girl here that I actually liked. This place seems junky, and I thought the people would be too. Turns out, I was wrong about both things. This place is great if you know what you're doing! Manhunt to look forward to almost every night, nice people that you're playing with, and a beautiful smile that you'll never get tired of." I said, and I knew she was melting inside. She smiled and looked down at her feet. Niall, you know just how to make a girl happy.

"Thanks.." She mumbled nervously. I wanted her to be mine, but how? We were only staying here for three weeks, which is no relationship in my mind. I mean, the only reason I don't have a girlfriend now is because I'd never see her, and this is even worse.

When she finally looked up, I looked in her eyes. Oh my god, were her eyes beautiful. It was like looking into a sea of blue, the waves perfectly splashing into currents that were irresistable. We sat there for a moment, just staring at each other. Then, ruining the moment like he always does, Harry appeared.

"HEY BRIDGET. HEY NIALL." He yelled in my ear, making me fly up off the swing in suprise. Where in bloody hell had he come from!? Ugh. I didn't always get along with the boys like I should, and this was one of those times.

"Hey Harry. Why aren't you with the boys or something." I said through gritted teeth. I looked him in the eye as if to say, get the hell outta here, but he clearly didn't see it. He was on a mission though, so I let it slide for a moment. I heard Bridget sigh behind me. Atleast I wasn't the only one enjoying the moment before Harry rudely interupted it.

"Ah, I can't find Lexi. Her dad told me she was around here somewhere, and she's not answering my texts. I'm kind of worried." Harry said, and I laughed to myself. Why the frig is he so worried about that girl? She's freaking fourteen for crying out loud. Harry is getting a little pedo I think... Lexi isn't even that cute.

"Dude, calm the fuck down. You're not her babysitter. Stop being all pedo. You're addicted to her, and it's creeping me out, bro." I said, getting annoyed. Harry is never like this, he usually goes for the older girls, not girls that are four years younger than him... I mean, I know Bridget's three years younger than me, but this is unusual for Harry. I don't think Lexi's parents would approve, either.

"Niall, don't be such a twit. I'm just worried. She's always so happy when I'm around, and always answers my texts. There is a reason she's not answering, you know. What if she's pissed at me... Oh no. What did I do?" He said. Mentally slapping him, I turned him around, and shoved him out into the middle of the dirt road.

"Go. Go find her, if you're so worried. Don't rape her, though. That wouldn't be good for publicity." I said, and I heard Bridget giggle in the background. Harry turned around and glared at me, and then walked off. I knew he wouldn't rape her, but this was all just so creeperish. 

"Anyways, sorry for Pedo Harry to get in the way." I said, and sat down on the swing next to Bridget again. She was still smiling.

"I think it's so weird how this is all working out. I mean, clearly Liam likes Shannon, and Harry seems to like Lexi, and I like yo-" She stopped, realizing where she was going with this. Immediately blushing, she looked down at her feet again. I laughed a little, and her cheeks got even brighter.

"So, you like me, huh?" I said, pushing her to tell me the truth. At least I know she likes me now, right?

"Maybe.." She said, and cleared her throat. I lifted up her chin, and looked straight into her eyes. Her eyes went wide, realizing that I was gazing into them.

"I think I like you too." I said, and started leaning in. Hearing a little gasp escape from her mouth, her chin left my hand. Our lips met, and I felt sparks like no other.

After about fifteen seconds of kissing her beautiful lips, we got interupted, again. Luckily, this time it wasn't Harry, because I would of shot him.

"Hey Nialle-" Louis started, and then immediately stopped. I turned around to see him and Zayn standing at the edge of the playground, mouths gaped.

"Oh, uh, hey Lou, Zayn. Whatcha doing?" I said and Zayn kind of tried to speak, but then burst into laughter. Lou had already gone into hysterics. What's so funny? Niall Horan can kiss a girl if he would like to..

"AHAHAHAHA. THIS IS TOO MUCH!" Lou said, and fell to the ground, holding his stomach. He was laughing so hard, I thought he might puke. Zayn was leaning up against the small monkeybars, laughing pretty hard too, but not as hard as Lou. Serious moments are not Louis Tomlinson's thing.

Bridget was confusedly staring at Louis and Zayn, probably thinking they were crazy, and they were. I took Bridget's hand, and stood up, her standing up after me. Starting to walk away with Bridget, Louis and Zayn called our names.

"NIALL. I'M SORRY." Louis said, and Zayn kept quiet. I would have a talk with them when we were back at the camper. They are such butthole's. 

"Sorry about kissing you so fast. I know I should have waited to get to know you more. Now you probably think I'm some stupid celebrity that hits on girls, kisses them, and then when I have to leave, I'll never talk to you again. I'm not, and you have to trust me. When I leave here, I'm not gonna go a day without texting, calling, or even mailing you. I've never felt this way about a girl before." I said, and I immediately felt awful for kissing her so soon. I just couldn't resist this!

"Niall, you are my favorite person EVER. Do you think one little kiss is going to change what I think about you? It's not. Well, it might, but not in a bad way. Not to sound stalkerish or obsessive, but I know everything about you. I love you for who you are, nobody different." Bridget said, and she stopped walking. She hugged me, and that hug was even better than the kiss. Here we were, standing in the middle of the road, randomly hugging. 

But that was okay with me.




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