Chapter 2- Blueberries Are My New Favorite

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--Author's Notes have been deleted/edited since story has been written--

*Shannon's POV*

We were almost at the ropeswing, and I could see it from where we were. I saw the Morter's boat and another boat that looked like it belonged to a millionaire. I wondered how Bridget was doing with them.

We lowered the anchor into the boat, and I dived into the water. Michaela and Kate weren't far behind me, as I swam as fast I could to see who was with Bridget and Lauren. When I got around the corner of the boat, I nearly drowned. What the fuck.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I said like they were all my best friends. Everyone waved and Bridget's jaw dropped. I could feel my face heating up, but I knew I had to stay cool. My idols were standing in front of me, I couldn't let my fangirling side get in the way and screw everything up. I'd simply cry and pass out later.

I swam up onto the land, barely holding myself together. Bridget eyed me, like she was totally dying inside while she was seeing me totally calm. I know how to work with guys, I mean, I could end up dating one of these babes!

I took about two jumps off of the ropeswing, Liam oddly stumbling right after me as I went, and then I decided to pick some blueberries. It was just the right time of season and I hadn't even tried one! I walked away from the boys who make my life complete like they were kids who went to my school. I started picking the blueberries, and maybe eating a few.

I noticed Liam stopped jumping off the ropeswing after I stopped. He was sitting on a rock, watching either me or the blueberry bush next to me. I turned around, pretending to look at Lauren landing in the water, to see if he was watching me. As soon as I looked, his head quickly jerked back towards Lou, who was talking to Harry about their next concert.

I smiled to myself, heart racing.

He sighed, got up, and started walking over to me and the bushes. Holy shit, Liam Payne was literally walking up to me right now. Stay calm, stay calm. You are the calmest one here. Don't lose it.

"Okay, so you caught me." He said, and I laughed. I didn't fully understand what he meant so I just nodded.

"I'm sorry. You're just really beautiful," He said, and he stared deep into my eyes. Then he frowned, and stepped back, "I'm sorry. I barely know you." He said and chuckled to himself. I DON'T CARE, I KNOW YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW YOURSELF.

"Want to pick some blueberries with me? They're as fresh as can be." I stuttered, completely changing the subject after a moment of awkward silence. Of course they're fresh, you nut! They haven't even been picked yet!

"Sure." He said, and took the blueberry bush next to me and started plucking. I could see him still staring at me out of the corner of my eye, so I moved onto the bush next to mine, so he wouldn't think I was too obsessed.

"Shannon! Come here!" Bridget yelled from across the island. I looked up to see Niall, who looked scared to death, about to jump off the top step of the tree. I laughed and started to run over. Being as clumsy as I am, I tripped over a freaking tree stump, while stumbling into Liam.

He caught, me luckily, and looked straight into my eyes, as he had done before, "Thanks." I said uneasily. I was so nervous, my heart was skipping every beat. More than every beat. It stopped beating. Happiest moment in the world!

"Ha, no problem." He said. Bridget took in a deep breath, witnessing what had just happened. Louis and Harry started oohing and aahing, and Lauren, Lexi, Michaela, and Katie were stifling giggles.

Blueberries are my new favorite food.

I lifted myself out of his arms, which were probably getting tired, and continued my jog over to the rest of the group. I didn't even jog, I floated.

"Can I sit on your lap?" Michaela asked Zayn with the most cutest baby face she could make. Zayn laughed and nodded, and Michaela sat on his lap. You could tell she was living the dream, just as I was.

"Okay everyone. Here I go. I'm gonna jump. Is everyone ready. Ok. Here I go. Ok. Ok. Ok. I'm going now. Is everyone rea-" Niall babbled, but Bridget cut him off.

"GO." She said, he sighed and leaped, flying through the air like tarzan. Everyone drew in a deep breath, and exhaled when Niall hit the water, making a ripple only Niall's could make.

Everyone clapped, and Harry cheered, picking up Lexi's legs quickly, while Louis grabbed her hands. What were they planning on doing. Lexi started to scream.

Out of nowhere, Louis said "THREE!" and Harry and him flung her into the water, her screaming all the way in. Lou and Harry high-fived, and my eyes went wide until she popped out of the water. Then I started laughing so hard I thought I might pee.

"LOUIS TOMLINSON. I KNOW THIS WAS YOUR DOING." Lexi screamed, and Louis grabbed the ropeswing, stumbled up the tree and launched himself into the water. Lexi, still grimacing, squeezed out her wet hair.

Could this day get any better?

The answer to that, is a clear N.O.


I want to thank @Shanni123 for helping me out with this chapter! I hope you guys all like it, because it's actually really fun to write!

Tell me what you think!





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