Chapter 1- Day at the Ropeswing!

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Hi everyone,

This is the second story I'd written.. and it was written for my friends. If you're confused in any parts, it's probably because I didn't think anyone would read it but them..

As of 2/19/15 I have edited some of these chapters bc I was like 11 when I wrote them and tbh they're awful, so I've done quick edits just to make it sound better..

Thanks so much for reading !(:

***Bridget's POV***

"Lex, are you coming with us to the ropeswing, we're leaving soon." I asked Lexi. I hoped she was, because I would feel bad because everyone else was going except for her.

"Yeah, I think so. I'm waiting for my mom to text me back, she'll probably say yes." She shrugged, and smiled. Lauren started jumping up and down excitedly.

"We're leaving in about a half hour, the Maples' are going out on their boat too." I said. I hoped and prayed there were nice looking guys there. I should wear my new bathing suit....

My mom started yelling at me and Lauren to help her pack up for the day out on the boat, so I told Lexi to text me when her mom replied.

"Bridget, is Lexi coming with us?" My mom asked. I shrugged and explained how she was waiting for her mom's reply. My mother nodded and motioned for me to get drinks out of the fridge.

Quickly, I grabbed the drinks form the fridge and then felt a buzz coming from my side pocket.

From: Lexi Heart

Hey! My mom said I could come. I'll be up in ten ;D

"Mom, Lexi said she's coming. She'll be up in ten." I said and my mom nodded, grabbing a bunch of towels and the bottle of sunscreen.


"Is everybody ready?" Mom shouted from the end of the boat. She was just about ready to let go and jump in. We all nodded and she jumped in. I crossed my fingers. Hot guys, hot guys...

"Hey Lexi, isn't this your first time here?" Lauren asked, and Lexi started laughing. I started reading a fanfiction on Wattpad, waiting for the ropeswing to come into view.

"No, remember? I went with you a few weeks ago." Lexi answered, and Lauren quickly caught on. Focus, Bridget. Niall is just about ready to ask Sierra out on a date!

...Niall grabbed Sierra's hand, and in shock, Sierra pulled away. She looked puzzled as Niall asked her out anyway. Her smile quickly returned and she hugged him, nodding over and over again. Niall was relieved she didn't reject him, and smiled to himself. He was bursting inside, couldn't wait to let the boys know....

What a great ending to the chapter! I can't wait until the next one gets posted! Suddenly, I heard a splash and quickly turned to my right. I saw Lexi in the water.

"LEX! QUICK GRAB ONTO MY..." I started, but quickly stopped. I noticed we had arrived at the ropeswing, and Lexi had purposely jumped in. I mentally facepalmed and put my phone safely in the waterproof bag.

Lauren all of the sudden jumped in, getting my clothes wet with the splash she made, "Lau! Come on now!" I yelled in dissapproval. We were pretty far away from the ropeswing compared to how close we usually are. There was another rather large boat in front of us, blocking our normal spot.

The boat was unusually big, bigger than boats you usually see on Hampton Lake. It had an upper deck, and it was twice the size of our boat. I wondered who could be on the other side of it, swinging off the ropeswing.

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