Chapter 14 - Niall's Special Plan

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**Niall's POV**

Nervousness has overtaken my body and put me in shock.

Packing so many different kinds of food I was afraid I might have to take two picnic baskets, I couldn't decide on what to bring! What did Bridget like for food? I don't know! I had her pick out a candy bar at the store earlier for dessert, and I got some for Harry and Lexi, but what for the meal itself? Quickly slashing some peanut butter and jelly on bread, I made four quick sandwiches. I hope to God she isn't allergic to peanuts! 

I put on my 'cute' (According to Lexi) sweatervest and combed my hair. Truthfully, I did look quite adorable *wink*. How could Bridget say no to this hot face, even if she had no interest in me? Oh wait, she couldn't. Way to go, Niall. Self-confidence!

At five twenty five, I headed out the door with a Paul wishing me good luck. I had quickly told him the plan when I got back from the afternoon with Bridget. Even he thought it was cute, so it must be good! 

"Hi Mrs. and Mr. Morter!" I greeted Bridget's parents when I got up to her site. They saw how nice I looked and I think I saw Mrs. Porter's eyes widen. Aw yeah. I attract all the ladies *wink again*. 

"Hello, Niall. How are you today?" Mr. Morter greeted me, and Mrs. Morter smiled. 

"I'm very good, thanks. And you?" I answered politely. I had been working on my skills, because I feel I wasn't as impressive as Louis during my dinner with the Morters. I needed to retrieve my inner Niall and throw a ball to it while making up a polite, kind Niall while the real Niall fetched. If that makes sense. 

"Great! Thanks for taking Bridget out tonight." Mr. Morter answered, and I nodded, blushing. I don't know why I blushed, I expected Bridget would tell her parents that I was taking her out on a picnic. Why wouldn't she? 

"Hi, Niall." Bridget said, walking out of the camper. She was wearing a cute casual sundress that had pink flowers on it. And I thought I looked adorable! I'm pretty sure I blushed, and I was hoping her parents weren't looking at my pants. No, I was hoping she wasn't looking at my pants. 

"H-hey." I said, and she walked over to me. Her parents were just watching and smiling. I'm sure they were just thinking what a brilliant choice they had made picking me to be a good match for Bridget, of course.

"Have fun, you two!" Mrs. Morter said, and I smiled, waving as we walked down the path towards the field. Lexi and Harry were meeting us there.

An awkward silence created between the two of us, and I caught Bridget biting her nails. I know that Bridget only bites her nails when she's feeling awkward. Reasoning for that is because whenever I'm going through sexual frustration debating on whether I should kiss her or not by not talking she bites her nails. Simple logic, duh.

We finally arrived at the field after what seems like hours, and luckily Harry and Lexi were already there. They said they would bring the plates and silverware and things, and I easily agreed to that. I didn't want to be loaded with all kinds of dirty things to unload when I get back to the site. Manhunt is still on tonight, and I don't want to be washing dishes. 

"Hey guys. Let's eat, I'm starved." Harry immediately said, and me and him set up the blanket while Lexi chatted with Bridget about random crap. Okay, not crap, they were talking about our new song. Whatever, figure of speech!

We all sat down, and I passed out the fruit salad, sandwiches, and bubbly water, and then I stood. "Bridget?" I said, and I got really nervous all the sudden. Bridget just thought I was asking her a question or something, so she looked up at me.

"I really like you, and even though you may not like me back, I'm going for this anyways. You're perfect, no matter what anybody says. I love you, if that's not too much to say. Would you, uh, be my girlfriend?" I announced, and truthfully, I was proud of myself for only skipping up once! I thought for sure I'd get too nervous and pass out. Harry's jaw dropped, seemings he didn't know this was coming, and Bridget smiled calmly.

How is she not freaking out, here!? Oh, maybe she's just holding it inside so she'll look normal.

"Of course I will, Niall! I thought you'd never ask, truthfully." She said, and I was so relieved. I felt as if a weight was lifted off my weak shoulders, that the stars over my head were gone. I had my love now, and nobody could steal her from me. She was all mine! All mine!

I hugged her, and kissed her lightly. Lexi was practically dying in the background, all you could hear was "Awe's" coming from her way. Harry looked jealous for some reason, then I found out why.

"I really should have done something like this for you, Lex. I'm sorry." He said quietly, but Bridget and I could still hear him. We broke apart to see what Lexi had to say, and Lexi looked shocked. I don't think she had even been thinking about the way Harry asked her out compared to me.

"Harry, shut up. It's fine, you're still my Hazza, right? If I didn't like to the way you asked me out, I wouldn't have said yes. Common girl logic Hazz, get with it grandpa." She laughed, and Harry smiled. I know he was still kind of sad about how he didn't make it as special. 

I hugged Bridget once again, and actually felt something real. Whenever we hugged, I thought of us as friends, and that when I hugged her it wasn't relieving anything, it wasn't making her feel better. Now whenever I hug her she'll know it's because I love her. And I do, and I always will. I'll never let her go, ever. 

Best. Night. Ever.


Aww! I hope Niall's Plan was everything everyone hoped it would be<3 Probably all of you knew what was going to happen, seemings that everybody else has been getting together. Next chapter I'm making for Lauren, so she can have one last POV until the ending(: I've had fun writing the story, but its dragging on and its annoying me. Everyone who's reading (Hi Bridget, Shannon, Lauren, and Katie ^_^) knows that I can't make a story last very long without getting bored of it... So yeah


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