Chapter 11 - Romance and a Ruined Yet Saved Moment

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***Lexi's POV***

Suddenly, Liam's facial expression changed from happy to puzzled in seconds. He ran from the water over to me, and started whispering in my ear, "Lexi, I know I'm the one that said that you should go out with him, but I just want you to know that he's a real player. I'm seriously putting no hate to him nor you, but I was just letting you know." Liam said, and I sighed. I had been thinking about this deeply. I know Harry's a player, and I've been wondering if he'll be one to me, too.

I'm willing to take a risk.

"Yes, Harry. I will!" I said, and he ran over to me and hugged me. Liam nodded and smiled, and Shannon ran up to Liam, wondering what he had said. They started talking quietly, while Harry squeezed me tight. Ah, I could get used to this!

Harry whispered in my ear, "I know we haven't known each other for long, but as soon as I saw you, I knew I couldn't stay back." He breathed. Dying inside, I swear to God if I had taken a deep breath I would have fainted. Death, now that I am dating Harry, I allow you to sweep over me if you must.

I kissed him, and he kissed me back. Shannon and Liam awed in the background, and I couldn't wait until Louis, Niall, and Zayn heard about it. Or did they already know? I don't know, I don't care. I'm just so flacking happy right now. 

Tears rolled down my eyes, and Harry looked at me so confused, "I'm sorry. I just, I've always wanted to date you, and only you. Yes, I love the rest of the boys, but you. You've always been the one I've had my eye on. I love you." I cried, and Harry hugged me. This seems like such a cheesey moment seemings all he did was ask me to be his girlfriend, but listen here. This is Harry Freaking Edward Styles we talking bout here. Lets get with it grandmas who don't understand my joy.

Ruining the moment, Louis and Zayn jumped out of the bushes, freaking attacking the ground. Louis was in tears, and Zayn was laughing with joy. Uh. Should I be terribly confused or pretend I know what's going on because this should be normal for them?

Louis came up and hugged me tight, and I tensed. Louis Tomlinson is hugging me, what happened? I looked over at Zayn, and he was creepily smiling at me. Dafuq is goin on here? Louis let go of me and then.. Okay, you aren't going to believe this part... ZAYN hugged me. Zayn, who's too afraid to have anybody touch him because he's worried about ruining his hair, gave me what felt like a Horan Hug. Of course, that's beyond compare, but he actually hugged me. 

Is it weird I felt honored that Zayn Malik hugged me?

"CONGRATULATIONS, LOVE." Louis said, and handed me flowers that I really have no idea where they came from. Like a fat majestic Okapi came in and gave Lou the flowers.. (Shanni1230 ;p) but seriously. Where did they come from.

"It is so obvious I'm dreaming. Where the eff did you get those flowers Lou?" I said, and laughed. I truly believed I was dreaming, not bothering to pinch myself. Louis really had not had those flowers two seconds before. Wait. Wait. Wait. Maybe Louis....... IS A FAIRY. Yep. He's a fairy, and he is my fairy ^_^

"Would you believe it if I told you I keep a flower garden in my shoes?" He asked, and I looked down at his feet, and so did he. Fail, Lou. Fail.

"Lou, you're not wearing shoes." I said, and his face turned bright red. Everybody started laughing, including Louis, and we all put that moment behind us. Though, I'm still interested in where he got those flowers!

"I think this is the time for a group hug. To Lexi and Harry, and to Liam and Shannon." Zayn said, and I was in disbelief once again. WHAT THE FUCK *scuse le language* IS GOING ON HERE, AND WHY IS ZAYN SO FREAKING HAPPY PAPPY.

You know what, I don't even care.

I brought everyone into a group hug, and we all sat like that, laughing with eachother, for what seemed like hours. But at the moment, hours was two minutes, because my Mom texted me telling me lunch was ready.....

"Wanna come, Hazz?" I asked, and he nodded. Fahk, I was hoping he would say no. This is going to be hawkward. Who gives a frick, it's a Monday. We all end up leaving our pants in a Target bathroom stall due to scaredness at some point in life.... No? Just him? Whatever.

I let out a big sigh, here we go. Luckily Dad is at work.


Hey everyone who bothers to read my a/n!

How're you guys reacting to that shooting in Connecticut? If any of you (or friends, family, etc.) were involved in that, my prayers are to you, loves.<3 Who would do such an awful thing? Sick people in this world, and I'm not talking about the kind of sick you get after seeing too many Haylor photos (Ok, ok. No hate, I just had to say it.)

So what do you guys think of Haylor, truthfully? Comment below!!!! VV


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