Chapter 6 - Once a Runner, Always a Runner

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How's it going Bros!? 

Two updates in one night? Shannon you are spoiled by my writing ;D

**Shannon's POV**

Wake up in the morning feeling like Danielle Peazer, got my iPod I'm out the door I'm gonna hit this wheezer. Before I leave, grab my water, like I'm hitting the track because when I leave for the mornin I ain't coming back till I got sweat all over for-head trying on all my hard-est, might pass out but that's okayyyy witthhh meeee. DON'T STOP, RUNNING ON TOP, ONE DIRECTION BLOW MY HEADPHONES UP.

Okay that was my only thought the whole morning while I was getting ready to go for a jog. I know, weird right? Liam texted me this morning, asking me when I wanted to hang out today, but I didn't answer. Nobody, not even Liam Payne can get in the way of my jogging up the camp road and back. 

"Mom," I whispered, and my mom woke up just enough to hear my words, "I'm going for a jog now." I finished, and she put her thumbs up. I walked out the door as quietly as I could, closing the door gently. Without waiting to get to the beginning of the camp road, I started jogging. This will be a good workout. For Liam. For One Direction.


You're halfway up the road, Shannon! Don't stop now! Woo!

Girl I see it in your eyes your disappointed, cause I'm the foolish one that you annointed with your heart, I tore it apart. And girl, what a mess I made upon your innocence, and no women in the world deserve this, but here I am, asking you for one more chance. Can we fall, one more time, stop the tape, and rew-


I fell to the ground, clutching my knee. What the f*ck! Someone just totally knocked right into me. I heard someone breathing heavily, scuffling up off the ground.

"Oh my gosh, I am so...... Shannon? What are you doing out here?" He said, and I looked up from my knee. It was Liam. Oh my gosh. What am I doing out here? More like what are YOU doing out here? Oh yeah, Liam loves track! Oh my gosh! He gets up early to run, too! 

"I'm having my morning run. Ouch.." I said as he attempted to help me up off the ground. My knee really hurt. There's going to be a big bruise there in the morning O_O

"Sorry, sorry. Wait, you run?" He asked, and his eyes went wide. Of course I run, Liam. Does this make me even more perfect? I will fall one more time, we can stop the tape and rewind as much as you'd like, please.

"Of course. It's my life." That's the little thing I forgot to mention yesterday! How could I be so thoughtless? Running really is my life and I forgot to mention that to him? Wow, my mind must have been lost right then to forget something like CROSS COUNTRY!

"Oh my gosh. I run too." He said, and I smiled. I already knew that Liam, you silly goose. :P 

"Cool." I said, continuing to smile. I got up, though the pain was still killing me. I winced in pain as I attempted to walk, and I stumbled a bit, but Liam kept me up.

"Do you need me to call one of the boys? They wouldn't mind coming to pick you up." Liam offered, and I shook my head. I'm not going to let him think I'm some wimp!

"No, no. I'll be fine. I came out here to run, and run is what I must do." I said, and stifled a heavy laugh. Liam smiled, looking a bit nervous. I know he wanted to help me, but I don't want him to think I'm a baby.

"Okay, fine. But we aren't running. We will walk. Slowly." He said, actually laughing normally. I laughed with him, turning back towards the campground. 

Walking very slowly, Liam wrapped up his iPod and put it in his pocket. I did the same with mine because I didn't want to be rude and continue to listen to it while he was maybe wanting to talk to me. 

"You can lean on me if you'd like, love. I don't want you to make it worse." He said, and I shook my head once again. I do want to lean on you, I mean who wouldn't, but I shant. 

"No, I'm okay. Really." I said, and he sighed. Personally, I think he wanted me to lean on him. 

Rudely, Liam took out his phone and randomly started texting. What the hell? Was I boring him? Was he texting a girl that he might like besides me? Maybe he wants to finish his jog but I'm getting in the way. I mean, I'm a little disappointed I didn't get to finish my jog. Jogging is when I'm by myself, and I can focus on my surroundings, and I kind of can't have interuptions. It spoils my day. :l

For the next few minutes, I didn't say anything. In case he was bored of me, I didn't want to make things worse. He didn't talk either, which worried me even more. 

Suddenly, a bright red mustang pulled up (going mighty fast may I say) and slammed on the breaks when they saw us. Oh no, they're going to murder us. Or worse... rape O_O

Liam waved like he saw these people everyday, and a few seconds later I found out why. It was just Harry and Niall. You know, I wouldn't really mind if they raped  me.....ANYWAYS.

"I know you said you didn't want a ride, but I can't bare to see you in pain." Liam said, smiling. AWE. Way to make my day that I thought wasn't going so great Liam. Aww, I love him<3 No you don't Shannon, you're just friends... Until I marry him O_O

"Thank Liam. You're the best." I said and carefully sat down in the backseat of the car, Liam waiting until I was safely inside before closing the door behind me. I can't believe he did this for me, made Harry and Niall come all the way up the camp road just to pick me up. Hmph. Maybe we don't have to be just friends...

"LOL" Harry said when Liam got in the backseat next to me, and Niall was holding in a laugh. Umm, did I miss something here?

"What?" Liam said, and I'm glad I wasn't the only one that was confused. Did I have dirt on my face or something? I took a pretty hard digger.

"You guys are so numb!" Niall said, and then he finally bursted out laughing. Excuse me? What did I even do that was so 'numb'? One Direction isn't always nice I suppose. :l

"You are so meant for each other, and you guys look so.. irresistable, I guess that's the word. Ha! It's so hilarious watching you guys gaze at each other all the time like it's a normal activity. Just ask her out already, mate!" Harry exploded, Niall just about laughing his ass off in the passenger seat. I widened my eyes like I had never been thinking of it that way and looked out the window awkwardly. Liam cleared his throat.

"Shut up, you weenies." I piped in, making Niall laugh even more. Meh. Note to self: Don't use the word weenie around a bunch of hot guys. 

"LMAO, okay!" Harry said, barking. That's when my face turned red, and Liam kept quiet. Was he planning on asking me out, and that's why he didn't say anything about Harry's comment? No, couldn't be. Why would Liam Payne of One Direction like me, Shannon Maples of Dorbleboro. I suppose it's possible, I am super pretty, funny, and adorbs!(:

Liam dropped me off at my camper, because they had to have a quick One Direction meeting with Paul. He said he'd see me later, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. Whoa. 

I floated back to my camper to see Katie hanging out with Lexi inside. They looked at me, noticing me in my trance. 

"Oooohhh. Did he make out with your face?" Lexi asked, and I frowned. What the heck Lexi? That's only what she wants Harry to do to her....

"No! On the cheek, though. Which is a start." I said, and floated into the bathroom, washing off my face so I could apply some cute makeup. 

Oh Liam Payne.

Like Harry said, just ask me out already!


Here you go Shannon and Bridget! Hope you liked it, especially Shannon ;D Bridget, you're next. What do you want to happen with you and Nialler???? (:(:(:\


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