Chapter 16 - Goodbye, One Direction

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***Lexi's POV***

Everyone sat at the picnic table at the boys site crying our eyes out, for they were leaving in about an hour.

Nobody wanted them to go, but obviously, they had to. In front of us, we had cake and pizza, but almost none of it had been eaten. Even Niall barely touched his Meatlovers Pizza. We were all so upset that they were leaving. Liam and Shannon didn't eat anything, they were too making out over by the fireplace. 'Savoring their last moments together', as they called it. 

Louis and Lauren's hands never fell apart, and every once in a while you'd hear a sniff from Lauren, and a whimper from Louis. They were sitting on opposite ends of the table, their hands reaching over their empty plates. It was hard watching everybody be so sad, and to really not be sad yourself.

Harry was extremely upset, and he tried pulling me over to the fireplace to make out, too. I'm not upset though. I saw it coming since the day I met them, and I prepared. I didn't want to savor my moments by making out with Harry, and I didn't want to cry because they were leaving.

My dream has come true, and that's all that matters.

"I love you, Lexi." Harry said silently, and I looked at him. Tears were in his eyes, and it reminded me of the X-Factor, when he didn't get picked for the finalists. My heart ached, and I stood up and walked over to him. I sat in his lap, and kissed him. I know he wanted it, and so I did. Couldn't leave my boy unhappy though, right? Yeah, that's my excuse. 

Everybody oohed and aahhed even though a moment before they had been crying. I laughed, and so did Harry. Paul ruined the moment completely, by saying the words I never wanted to hear.

"Boys, it's time to go. The traffics bad on Route 2, so we gotta get going." Paul said, and all the girls started crying all over again. Mavrick, who was sitting in the fold up chair playing Mario, even looked a bit upset. He liked talking to Niall about how he beat every level within a day.

"I love you" Came out of everybody's mouth, almost in synch. Paul wiped a tear from his eye, and that made everybody laugh. Not real laughs though, just fake ones to cover up the pain. Everyone hugged and kissed, not paying attention to anybody else but their lovers. Harry hugged me, and I didn't want him to ever let go. Harry, please just stay with me. Quit the band, come live with me and my family. 

Like that could ever happen.

I have a feeling none of us are ever going to see each other again. When have the boys ever even came to Utah for a concert? Never. When will they come for a concert now that we REALLY want them to? Never.

"We will meet again. I promise. You are my one and only." Harry said, and I started crying. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, and I really did. How could you not cry though? Your true love is leaving you, and probably breaking his promise in the future! He's mine! Nobody can have him, why should I have to let him go!

"Boys! Let's go!" Paul said, putting his angry voice on. He didn't care about us, he only cared about the boys getting to their next concert or interview on time. Which I can't blame him, this isn't his problem, but still.

The boys all gave us one last hug, which we all never wanted to let go. They jumped into the bus, barely watching where they were going. Niall nearly ran into the side of the bus, watching Bridget the whole time. Liam ripped away from Shannon's lips and got on the bus also. They all sat in the window seat and waved to us, blowing us kisses. 

The bus started moving.

"HARRY! NO! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE LIKE THIS!" I screamed, tears rolling down my cheeks. How could he do this to me? How could he promise me so many things, and break them simply by leaving me? I felt surrounded, by substances I didn't want near me. I started running after the large gray RV, and Shannon had to run after me and grab me. 

Bridget and Lauren sat in the spots where Louis and Niall had once sat, crying. How could they all do this to us? They loved us, they cared for us. But then they leave us? What?

I felt my pocket buzz.

From: Hazza!

Hey hun.. Don't be sad. I love you<3

What? How could he tell me not to be sad? Is he not sad? He was the one crying at he picnic table when I was perfectly fine. He was the one who was so upset because he loved me "so much" and didn't want to leave me.


To: Hazza!

What are you talking about? If you really loved me, you wouldn't have left me like you did!


What did I just do? Did I really just yell at my favorite person in the whole world? I mean, I didn't have my caps lock on, but the exclamation point all the same. I am so stupid! This isn't going to help anything!

To: Hazza!

I'm sorry, Hazz. I just miss you already. When will I see you again? Ever?

I feel bad for asking so many questions, but what else am I supposed to do? I'm not going to hide my feelings from him, because that causes a bad relationship. Oh lord. 

What is going on with my life. When I always dreamed of marrying "Harry Freaking Styles" before I knew him, didn't I ever think of how hard him leaving would be? I mean, here he is, leaving me in the middle of nowhere, wondering about him, when he's off getting drunk in the UK with all kinds of girls that are much prettier than me! I'm not even 16 yet, and he's 18. What if he finds someone better than him, or more of "his type"?

From: Hazza!

I will do whatever it takes to see you again, Lex. For Bridget, Shannon, and Lauren, the same from Niall, Liam, and Lou. We miss you already, too. If all of us want to see you guys, we will. Zayn even has a thing for Katie, so he wants to come back. I love you. I can see us in the future, after the band has moved on from Pop, celebrating a nice holiday or something, with you in my arms, and our kids opening up presents (With help writing this from Niall because he feels the same way about him and Bridget)

You are mine, and I am yours.



Omg thank God this chapter is out of my butt! Lmfao I have been working on this for three days, and if you guys don't like it, tough crap. 

I hope you did like it thouggh.. lol... Please tell me how I did! One more chapter after this! The finale!(;


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