Chapter 3- This Must Be a Dream

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**Lexi's POV***


As I sat there quietly, smiling cutely (Or at least that's HARRY STYLES opinion) I watched Harry, Niall, and Zayn taking turns jumping off the ropeswing. From afar I could see the Morters and the Maples taking a BUNCH of pictures fromt their boats. I don't blame them, these kinds of things don't happen everyday in Maine.

"Lexi, come here!" Harry said. I was still thinking of revenge on him and Lou for throwing me in the water. Truthfully, I would have rathered having Harry holding my hands and Lou holding my feet, but you know, whatever floats a hobos boat.

I walked over to Harry, who had started to pick some blueberries after seeing Shannon eating some. He turned to look at me, smiled, and then shoved something gooey in my face.

"EWW. WHAT WAS THAT, A PIECE OF SQUIRREL CRAP?" I asked, and he was on the ground laughing his ass off. What the eff. Why do I need to be bullied by these people who I love truly and dearly? Who the heck am I kidding, I'll love them even if they try and kill me.

Harry is such a sexy beast.

" ELL OH ELL ITS BLUEBERRIES." Harry said and Shannon burst out laughing, but I don't think it was because Harry shoved blueberries in my face. I think it was because he said ELL OH ELL. What a loser he is.

"Okay. Now your revenge is going to be even worse Harry Styles. When will I see you again?" I asked, and turned my baby face on. NOBODY CAN RESIST THE POWER OF *LE BABY FACE.

"I don't know. Are you staying at a campground or something?" He asked me and I nodded. Was he staying at a campground!? Possibly Groundmine Campground!?

"Oh, which one? Were staying at Groudmine. It's sort of crappy, but whatever. Were giving them a lot of money, we need two lots to fit our camper." Harry said. That made him sound sort of snotty. Oh well, if he's snot then I'm the nose.

"Oh my gosh, all of us are at Groundmine too! We all have seasonals." I screamed and Shannon, Bridget, Katie, Michaela, and Lauren looked over, wondering what I was talking about.

"ONE DIRECTION IS STAYING AT OUR CAMPGROUND!" Shannon finally screamed. I knew she couldn't last all calm and collected forever. Haha, that's okay, I was about to pop my top too. I mean, this day is like a dream. Hmph, I pinched myself, hoping nobody would notice. Nope, not a dream.

"BOYS, WERE GETTING READY TO LEAVE!" I heard a deep voice call from the big boat that I guess was One Direction's. I wondered who it was, with such a deep voice. It couldn't be Josh, because he didn't have THAT deep of a voice.

"Okay, Paul! Were coming!" Liam yelled. Oh, Paul. I've always wanted to meet him, but not as much as One Direction of course. I was sort of amazed at myself that I was acting so calm. I haven't passed out once!

"Let's go boys, you know what it's like to keep Paul waiting. Lets give them our number, so we can meet up back at the campground. You guys like manhunt?" Niall said, and all of us girls gasped. OF COURSE WE DID!

"Yeah! We play it almost every night of the summer! Along with our other friends Dakota and Mavrick!" Bridget said, and she was almost crying with excitement.

"Sweet. We'll have Paul give your parents our numbers. Cya later." Harry said then winked. All of us girls awed over how cute Harry was when he winked. A hint of jealousy hit me as all the rest of the girls were drooling over him. GET YO OWN MAN BROSKI'S. Except Shannon, of course. She was drooling over Liam, who was drooling over Shannon drooling at him. If they didn't become a couple, I don't know who would.

"Bye Shannon."

"Bye Liam."

"Bye Harry!"

"Bye Lexi!"

"Bye Zayn."

"Bye Michaela."

"Bye Bridget!"

"Bye Niall!"

"Bye Lauren!"

"Bye Louis!"

By the time the boys got back to the boat, us girls had spoken enough to last us the rest of our life. We were shrieking, whispering, and everything that has to do with speech. One Direction had just hung out with us by themselves, and enjoyed it. And now they want to hang out with us when we got back to camp.

AND, they gave us their numbers.

Whoaski Broski, what's going on here!?


Hi guys!

I hear you guys are liking my story ;D (COUGH COUGH COUGH SHANNI1230) Haha I'm glad you like it so much you're forcing me to update c:

Anyways, it's really fun to write, seemings its about One Direction, and me and my good friends. (Both my favorites :D) 





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