Bailey (Part 1 of 3)

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JJ Hamblett imagine for Bailey(nothingsfineimtorn47 on Tumblr)

Imagine you’re staring out your bedroom window waiting for our best friend and flat mate JJ to emerge from the bathroom. A little tear escapes from your eye at the thought of him going on a date with another girl when you actually have feelings for him, and they’re stronger than the ones best friends should normally have. You hear the door creak open behind you, so you quickly wipe the stray tear, compose yourself once again and turn to face him. Your face lights up at the gorgeous sight in front of your eyes. You run over and wrap your arms around him in a long embrace. It doesn’t take you long to realise that he’s wearing the cologne and the t-shirt you bought him for his birthday three weeks previous. He informs you that he was saving them both for a special occasion and you both agree that it was just that. Before long you’re standing at the front door, waving him off as he gets into his car and drives away. You snuggle on the couch in your pj’s with a tub of ice cream and a soppy movie. The tears are streaming down your face as you hear a quiet knock on the door. You open it to find JJ standing there with a massive bunch of red roses. He throws them to the ground, pulls you in for a hug, and whispers in your ear ‘you’re the girl I’ve been waiting for all my life.’

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