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*Alyssa P.O.V*

‘You’ve just won two front row tickets along with back stage passes to see THE WANTED live in London on July 12th!’ I screamed down the phone once I heard the news. I had entered a competition to win tickets and back stage passes to see the boys but I didn’t think I would win. When I saw the incoming call I nearly had a heart attack. I still can’t believe it actually happened.

The tickets arrived in the post three days later. The day of the gig, I headed out shopping with my best friend Aimée to find the perfect outfit and when I did, we headed home. I got ready straight away as I was so nervous, yet excited. Then finally, after weeks of waiting, we headed to see THE WANTED.

We made our way to the front of the stage and waited for the boys to come on. When they did, they looked amazing! Throughout the whole thing I could see Nathan my favourite member, smiling at me every now and again. Every time he did, my heart skipped a beat. Was he really looking at me? At one stage he even sat down on the stage, right in front of me, and winked at me. I thought I was in heaven. This day couldn’t have got any better, or could it.

When the concert was over, we followed some security guards back stage, so we could meet the boys. My legs were shaking with nerves. I was finally going to meet the boys! I nearly screamed as we made our way closer to their dressing room. ‘Okay, in you go ladies’ the security guard directed opening the door for us. I stood there is awe. ‘Don’t worry, you can come in, we don’t bite!’ Nathan laughed. ‘Wow, Nathan Sykes just talked to me’ I mumbled to myself. ‘Yes I did’ he whispered in my ear.

‘So what’s your name beautiful?’ Tom asked pulling me down on the couch beside him. ‘Alyssa’ I stuttered. ‘Nice name’ Nathan remarked with a wink. ‘Thanks’ I replied with a smile. ‘So, are you a model or something?’ Siva asked me. ‘No, why?’ I asked puzzled by his comment. ‘You’re tall, skinny, dark, beautiful, why wouldn’t you be a model?’ he asked. ‘I’ve never really considered myself model material’ I replied still shocked. ‘You should try modelling’ Siva replied. ‘You definitely should’ remarked a female standing in the corner of the room. I made her out to be Jayne, the boy’s manager, ‘and how about we give you tour first big break, by asking you to star in the boys next video for their song Lightning.’ She suggested. ‘Wow, I don’t know what to say. I think I need to think about it.’ I replied. ‘Will this make up your mind?’ Nathan asked before kissing me long and hard on the lips. I broke the kiss momentarily to accept the offer, before returning to where we left off. ‘I guess we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other’ Nathan whispered in my ear. ‘I guess so.’

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