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George imagine for Kalia (Can't remember her username on Tumblr but I'll check my archive!)

   Imagine you slip your pink figure hugging dress up over your slim physique and fitted the straps over your shoulders. The butterflies were beginning to pile up in your stomach as your performance was beginning to creep up on you.  As you struggle to pull on your heels, your best friend and fellow contestant George Shelley from Union J, knocks quietly on your door. He’s just finished his performance, which unsurprisingly went down a storm as per usual. His smile lit up the room before he let out a little giggle when he noticed that you couldn’t close the strap on your shoe. He immediately offered to help by bending down and closing it for you. You feel the tingles as he delicately closing it using both hands before switching his concentration to the next. You admire his beauty as he looks away. His head raises ever so slightly so that he is staring you in the eyes, deep and hard. His eyes sparkle under the heavy light but they look so beautiful. You’re so close to him that you’re almost touching. His lips are plump and …. tempting. His closes the gap between you as your lips are just centimetres apart. You lean in to kiss him but just then, your boyfriend walks in to call you for your performance. ‘Oh damn’ you whisper. ‘Oh damn.’ 

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