Lauren (Part 2 of 2)

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George imagine for Lauren:

‘Wake up Lauren! Wake up! Santa’s been!’ George screams as he jumps up and down on your bed. ‘Georgey can’t we just stay in bed for a while and cuddle? I’m sure Santa’s gifts will still be there in an hour or so’ you moan covering your head in your pillow. ‘No Lauren! Santa wants you to open your presents now!’ he whined. ‘Fine’ you moan getting out of bed. Sometimes you wonder your boyfriend George’s real age. There is no way that he’s 19 years of age! He holds your hand tightly as he guides you down the stairs. You head in the direction of the kitchen to make your usual cup of tea, but George directs you away from it, telling you that there is no way that you’re getting away from his grasp that easily. ‘Now sit down Lauren, I’ve got a special present for you!’ he squealed. He takes a small wrapped parcel from under the tree and hands it to you gleefully. You unwrap it eagerly to find a necklace with two heart pendants but  it was inscribed with your name on one side and George’s on the opposite. ‘At least this way, I’ll always be close to your heart’ he smiles, bending down to your level. You smile at his thoughtful gesture, but your heart starts racing when he tells you that he has another present for you! He opens the kitchen door and soon enough, you’ve got a new puppy in your arms. ‘He’s names Alfie’ he smiles, kissing you on the forehead ‘and he’s yours!’

Imagines and One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz