Chapter two

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Soon enough morning came around and you had to get ready for school. You didn't want to get up until you remembered that Peter was going to be at school. When you came down to the kitchen there were pancakes, your favorite breakfast. You ate and then got ready for school. When the bus came you were looking for peter, and you found him. There weren't many opened seats so you asked if you can sit with him. He said yes.

Peter: Are we still going to meet up in the library today for school work?
You: yeah.
Peter: Cool

You were thinking of asking him to the dance but didn't know how to ask and thought it was to soon since you both just started talking. When you got to school, peter was walking with you since you had first hour together. It was science, one of your worst subjects. When you guys got to class peter came and sat by you, you were a bit surprised that he chose to sit by you. You were that quiet kid that always liked to sit by themselves and everyone thought you were weird.

Peter: Hi.
You: Hi.
Peter: Are you ready for the lab today?
You: There's a lab today?
Peter: Yeah, you didn't know?
You: No.
Peter: You want to be lab partners? I can help you.
You: Sure.

When the teacher was talking you kept zoning out, but the times you were looking at the teacher you could see peter looking at you. When you looked at him he'd quickly look away.

Next you had art. Peter walked with you again to class even though we didn't have art together.
Peter: What class are you going to next?
You: Art
Peter: Oh cool. Are you going to draw me agin?
He says it with a laugh obviously joking
You: Heh, only if you want me to.
You guys came across the art room
Peter: buy y/n, see you later
You: bye Peter

When you were in art class you couldn't stop thinking of Peter. His hair. That one little curl that drops down into his face, or just his face in general is just so perfect. And then you remembered the Sadies dance agin. Peter has been walking with you and he never use to do that, and he talks to you a lot more than he use to. So you might have a chance that he'll say yes if you ask him to the dance. When art ended you were slowly walking, wanting to see if Peter will come and walk with you.

Peter: hey y/n! How was art?
You: boring
Peter: I thought you liked art?
You: I do, it's just the teacher talks forever.
There was a pause. A good time to ask him to the dance.
You: hey Peter?
Peter: yeah
You: has anyone asked you to the Sadies dance yet?
Peter: no, why?
You were thinking how to ask him.
You: no reason
You got scared. Of course, one of your biggest fears. Maybe you can ask him after school while you're studying.

Soon enough the end of the school day came and all day you were thinking how to ask Peter out to the dance. When you got to the library you saw him sitting at a table on his phone. That little curl of hair was hanging down in his face, you hid behind a book shelf and just watched him for a bit until you realized what you were doing. When you were walking to him he looked up and smiled at you, the piece of hair was still in his face, he tried to tuck it behind his ear but it was to short to do that so it fell back to where it was before. You thought that it was hot when he did that.

Peter: what subject do you want to start with first?
You: math

You just sat down across from him and you still had to get your books out. When you were doing so, you could feel peter looking at you. You looked over at him and he did a little smile at you. When you got your books out, your eyes locked with each other and you two had a moment. You were the first to look away.

You: I'm a few weeks behind so we should start.
Peter: uh, yeah. A few weeks ago we would've been working on order of operation.

After you and Peter were done studying, peter walked you home agin.

Peter: hey y/n, can I ask you something?
You: sure
Peter: remember earlier today when you asked me if I was going to the Sadies dance?
You: yeah, what about it?
Peter: have you asked someone yet?
You: no. Why?
Peter: just wondering

*After some silence*

You: so, how was school?
*You tried to make small talk*
Peter: heh, you sound like my mom.
He was making a joke. And you heard his laugh. That cute little laugh that makes you smile whenever you hear it.
Peter: it was good. How was yours?
You: boring
Peter: did you draw me in art class agin.
As he said that he nudged your shoulder with his.
You: No.
You said it with a big smile because you actually did but didn't want to tell him.

As you guys came closer to your house, you thought of asking peter to the dance. This time you were actually going to. Every time you took a step closer to your house you got more and more nervous. Your perfect image of asking Peter was in the dark outside underneath the stars on your door step, that's why you were waiting till you got to your house to ask him.

When you guys got to your house, he walked you to the door. Come on y/n, ask him. You thought to your self

You: hey, Pete?
Peter: did you just call me Pete?
His laugh agin, it made the butterflies in your your stomach go crazy. Great now I'm  blushing.
You: yeah, sorry. I know that was weird of me.
Peter: no, it's fine. Go ahead what were you going to say.
You: about the dance... wo-would you.. um.... like to go with me? And be like my date.
Ugh, of course he'd have to be my date if he went with me. Why did I say that?
There was a long pause. You were getting scared. You thought it was a big mistake to ask him.
*you're starting to turn to go inside*
You: um, you know what. Never mind. Sorry I asked.
*you felt his hand on your arm, and he turned you around*
Peter: yes, y/n, I would love to be your date.
You: really? *you were relieved, all the butterflies in your stomach went away*
Peter was staring deep into your eyes (romantically, not in a weird way), you were staring back. His hand was still on you arm. You wanted to kiss him, but didn't.

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