Chapter 17//Real Life

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August 3, 2020

"We should just like move here," Parker suggested to Charlie. "I could totally just be here forever."

"What about our friends?" Charlie looked over at the girl next to him. They were laying on beach chairs, listening to the sounds of the ocean. "I'd miss them."

"They can come too!" Parker exclaimed! The two couldn't deny that they were both tipsy, as happy hour at their resort had just ended. "I'm gonna go get another drink, want one?"

"Miami Vice?"

"Coming right up," Parker smiled, leaving the boy behind. He watched as the blonde girl walked away. Sighing, he forced his eyes off her retreating figure. Closing his eyes, he couldn't get her out of his mind. Since the day Parker and Charlie met, there was an immediate connection between the two, and it was clear to every one. Even Parker's youngest brother, who was only 7, thought they were dating the first time he met Charlie. Both denied their feelings to both themselves and their friends, but it didn't stop them from teasing the pair. Over time, Charlie told Owen and Jeremy about his feelings, while Parker told Savannah, Madison, and Jadah. What only he and the boys knew, that the girls had suspected, was that Charlie was planning on making his move on Parker on this trip. He knew the girl better than anyone, and knew that she is a sucker for a beach date, so it would be the perfect place to finally ask her out. The thought terrified him, because he knew there was a chance that she would turn him down. "Here you go, good sir!"

"Oh, thanks," Charlie's thoughts were interrupted as Parker approached him from behind with their drinks. He sat up on his lounge chair, leaving room on the end where Parker sat down cross legged.

"You look spaced, everything okay?" Parker observed.

"Me? Yeah, I'm fine!" Charlie chuckled nervously. "Just feeling the alcohol, I think."

"Oh, me too," Parker giggled, taking a sip of her drink. "What should we do for dinner tonight? I think my parents are taking my siblings out but we don't have to go with them if you don't want to."

"You want to get food here?" Charlie asked, before coming up with an idea. "Or even better, a beach picnic?"

"A beach picnic?" Parker's eyes seemed to sparkle when she heard Charlie's idea. "You know I've always wanted to do that."

"Well then it looked like we have our dinner plans," Charlie smiled widely, happy his idea was a good one. "Let's finish our drinks, and then you can go shower and get dressed in something nice. We'll take pictures during the sunset too."

"That sounds perfect."

Perfect Harmony //Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now