Chapter 14//Flashback

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November 4, 2019

"Knock knock," Charlie said softly as he opened the door to Parker's trailer.

"Hi," Parker groaned from the couch. She was wrapped in a blanket, tissues littering the floor next to her. "Go away, I'm dying."

"You're so dramatic," he laughed at her, motioning for her to sit up so he could sit next to her.

"I'm serious, Charlie. I don't want to get you sick."

"We already filmed together this morning before they let you go, I think if you're contagious it's too late," he nudged her, making her groan at the sudden movement.

"Fine," Parker grabbed a tissue, blowing her nose loudly. "I'm disgusting."

"Shut up," Charlie rolled his eyes. "If I thought that I wouldn't be spending my lunch break sitting here with you."

"Oh wait, lunch. God some-"

"Soup?" Charlie cut her off, pulling a container of New England clam chowder soup from his bag.

"You know me so well," Parker perked up as she opened the container, smelling her favorite soup. Charlie pulled out a sandwich for himself out from his bag. "I don't even want to know what you're eating. It might make me even more sick."

"You judge it but you won't try it."

"Yup, and I never will," Parker smiled the boy, making him lightly punch her arm. "How's filming going?"

"Good, Kenny said we'll probably finish around 4 today since we can't film any scenes you're in."

"That makes me feel so bad," Parker frowned. She hated feeling responsible for delaying filming, but she knew Kenny wouldn't give her any other option once he saw how sick she was feeling.

"Don't," Charlie reassured, putting his arm around Parker and pulling her close. "We all need an early night, so thanks."

"If only I felt well enough to enjoy it," Parker sighed, resting her head on his shoulder.

"How about I come over for a movie night to keep you company?" Charlie suggested.

"I'd love that," Parker smiled. The two finished their lunch in a peaceful silence, just enjoying each others company as they ate. Sooner than they would've liked, their lunch break was over and Charlie had to go back to filming. The blonde laid back down on the couch as he grabbed his bag, getting ready to go.

"Get some rest, I'll see you in a few hours," he whispered, kissing her forehead softly before he left the girl to fall asleep with a light blush on her cheeks.

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