Chapter 10//Flashback

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October 31, 2019

"Parker I swear if you redo that eyeliner one more time," Savannah groaned from her best friend's bed.

"You'll what?" Parker looked back at her through the mirror. "I'm your ride tonight, you better watch yourself."

"You look perfect okay, Charlie's gonna be blown away," Savannah sat up, trying to convince her friend to stop worrying.

"And what makes you think any of this is for Charlie?" Parker raised her eyebrow, putting her makeup away and turning to face Savannah.

"When do you ever do anything not for him?"

"I do this all for me, thank you very much," Parker rolled her eyes, going to her closet to grab her shoes. "Alright, you ready?"

The two girls ran out to Parker's car, sending Charlie and Owen a text that they were on their way to pick them up. They soon arrived at the boys' apartment, the two already waiting outside for them. Savannah jumped out of the car to hug them, and climbed back in the back seat, sending Parker a wink as Charlie slid in the passenger's seat next to the older blonde. "You're late, Park."

"Thanks, Gillespie. I had no idea," Parker said sarcastically.

"Someone's sassy today!" Owen piped up from the back as Parker started driving to the haunted house.

"She's been like this all day," Savannah informed the boys.

"Don't piss off the driver," Parker flipped off the two in the back, making Charlie laugh next to her. It wasn't a long drive to the haunted house. The group parked and made their way to the ticket booth where Jeremy, his wife Carolynn, Madison, and Jadah were waiting for them.

"You're late," Jadah told the group as they all hugged each other.

"If anyone else says that to me I'm leaving," Parker threatened. Jadah gave a quick apology, realizing Parker was in a weird mood. The group of 8 all paid for their tickets and got in line for the house. Parker stood in the back of the group, trying to calm herself down, when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her shoulders.

"You okay?" Charlie looked down at the girl, a concerned look on his face. "You seem off."

"I'm sorry about that," Parker turned to face him, forcing a smile on her face. "I think I'm just nervous for tonight for some reason. I've never actually hosted a party before. It's stupid, just my anxiety making me overreact."

"Hey, your feelings aren't stupid," he reassured. "I know your anxiety can make things hard, but try to remember that everyone here loves you and is excited to be here with you. Tonight's going to be fun, trust me. And if you get anxious at all, I'll be right there by your side."

"What would I do without you," Parker chuckled, wrapping her arms around Charlie and leaning into his side. Before the boy could reply, the group reached the front of the line and entered the haunted house, a wide smile forming on Parker's face. "I love Halloween."

At the first jump scare, Charlie screamed loudly. Parker laughed at the boy, ready to tease him when someone jumped out and scared her, causing her to scream too. She grabbed Charlie's hand in reaction, and the pair didn't let go until they were out on the other side. The group made their way back to the two cars they took, laughing over all the reactions they had had in the house. Parker smiled at her friends when they reached their respective cars.

"Who's ready to party?!"

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