Chapter 18//Flashback

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November 21, 2019

"Thank God you're here," Savannah greeted Charlie as she opened her apartment door to let him in. "Parker's been sulking in her room all day and I don't know why."

"I don't know what I can help with but I'll do my best," Charlie chuckled.

"Just try to talk to her and cheer her up. We all know she listens to you more than anyone else," Savannah pleaded, hoping the boy would be able to help her best friend. Charlie made his way to Parker's room, knocking softly on the door.

"Park? It's me. Can I come in?"

"Yeah," Parker mumbled, her face buried in her pillow. She sat up when she heard her door open and then close, seeing Charlie at the foot of her bed. "What are you doing here?"

"Savannah called me," he sat on the edge of her bed, next to the blonde. "She told me you had been sad all day and wouldn't tell her why."

"I'm not sad," Parker insisted, and Charlie raised an eyebrow at her. "And even if I was, I don't need anyone coming over to come check on me. I'm fine."

"Park, I know you well enough to know when you're lying," Charlie placed his hand on top of hers that was resting in between their legs. "What's going on?"

"Fine," Parker sighed, giving in to Charlie. "I'm just feeling off today. Thanksgiving's in a week and it's the first time I'm not going to see my family for it. I'm just homesick, I guess. I really miss my family. Even when I was away at college I was only a couple hours away from them and could see them more often. I feel like I'm missing so much being away for so long. It's stupid, I know. I just wish I could see them."

"That's not stupid," Charlie reassured, lacing his fingers with hers. "I know how you feel, it sucks going to long without seeing your family. I'm sure it's even harder for you, with how young your siblings are. But in a way we are kind of lucky, with social media. We get to FaceTime our families all the time. Just remember, in just a month you'll be back with your family. We finish filming just in time for Christmas."

"Dammit," Parker groaned, falling back onto her bed.

"What?" Charlie laughed at the girl's dramatics, laying down next to her.

"I just realized that we only have a month left of filming and then none of us will be together for who knows how long."

"Hey, look at me," Charlie said softly, meeting Parker's eyes. "Don't think about that right now. We have a whole month left to make memories, to have fun. And after filming ends we'll make trips to each other, trust me. Plus if the show goes well we could get renewed for more seasons. But for now, let's just enjoy the time we get to spend with each other. It's my first American Thanksgiving, remember?"

"And you're stuck spending it with me," Parker joked.

"No, I'm lucky enough to spend it with you," Charlie smiled, Parker pulling him into a tight hug.

"How do you always know what to say?"

"I'm just that good," Charlie laughed, holding the girl as tight as he could. The pair laid together for a minute until Savannah burst in, causing them to pull apart and sit up.

"Did you fix her?"

"Wow Sav, I didn't realize I needed fixing," Parker smirked at her best friend. "But yes, I'm okay. Charlie let me rant and now I'm just hungry."

"Well good!" Savannah smiled wide. "I came in here to ask if you guys wanted to go out to dinner with me and Owen."

"I'm in," Parker jumped up, grabbing her shoes quickly. "I haven't eaten all day."

"Me too, but Parker's driving," Charlie agreed, making her roll her eyes.

"When am I not stuck driving you around, Gillespie?"


Instagram Post

parkerross99charlie and owen crashed me and sav's date night😤😤📸: @savannahleemay

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charlie and owen crashed me and sav's date night😤😤
📸: @savannahleemay

634,948 likes//1,298 comments

owenjoyner: ma'am u showed up at my apartment unannounced and forced me to come
     parkerross99: @owenjoyner shut up

user1: owen really exposing parker rn

     parkerross99: @kar.james ilysm

aidenr_223: the food looks good
     parkerross99: @aidenr_223 it was

user2: shes so perfect

user3: omg double date??
     parkerross99: @user3 ya, me & sav and owen & charlie

charles_gillespie: hey i paid for your food stop complaining
     parkerross99: @charles_gillespie .....fine

savannahleemay: it was very rude of them to crash
     parkerross99: @savannahleemay right like wtf

user4: charlie paid for her food i-

thejadahmarie: U SO PRETTY
     themadisionreyes: ^^^^
     themadisonreyes: also girls night tomorrow??
     parkerross99: @thejadahmarie @themadisonreyes ILY GIRLIES and yes plsss

user5: i love their friendship

user6: i cant wait to see more vlogs of them all hanging out

jeremyshada: sick invite
     parkerross99: @jeremyshada IM SORRY!!! it was v last minute! next time you and care are coming i promise

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