Probably both.

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I reached Freya's door.I knocked on the painted door and ,as I thought, got no response. I gulped and turned the handle and lightly poked the door.It creaked open. 'I swear this is a scene in a horror film'. I peered into the dark room. There was a small bit of light coming from the crack in the curtains since Freya could never close the curtains properly. I walked slowly towards the bump in the sheets, trying to delay my fate. I tried calling her name. Didn't work. Lightly poking her. Didn't work. Calling her name and lightly poking her. Still didn't work. I pinched the corner of her covers. Got a punch in the gut. I doubled over in pain.

"Fuck off,"

I clutched my stomach in pain and groaned.

"Crap,"I whined

I looked up to see a pair of pale blue eyes glaring at me. Either she has a really good punch or I don't have a very strong stomach. Might be both.

"What the fuck do you want, Audrey?"

"Me and Cory made pancakes," I managed to groan.

"I'm sorry,"

"You better be bitch,"

She flung her covers off her and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She also managed to kick me in the head. I fell to the floor and curled up into fetal position on the floor. I heard her laugh and three pairs of footsteps venture up the stairs and outside Freya's bedroom. Amelia and Freya's laughing mixed together and filled the room. Cory walked over and helped me up. Alice just stood there at the door,being Alice.

"Are you okay Audrey?" Amelia choked out between laughs

"Fucking fantastic,"

"C'mon you idiots and Cory, the pancakes are gonna get cold," Alice said, a smile on her face.

Cory moved away towards the door only to be stop when I whined for him to carry me. He rolled his eyes but still came over and picked me up. He carried me downstairs and sat me down on a chair before taking his place next to me.I thanked him before we both started shovelling the maple-syrup drowned pancakes down our throats. It didn't matter how many times I ate Mattie's pancakes, I would never get bored of them.

"Oh that's attractive,"

I whipped round to see the bitch of the orphanage (cuz every orphanage has one), Juliet.

"I have pancakes,I don't give a fuck whether I'm attractive or not,"

"Are you gonna eat the pancakes or not?" Mattie asked.

"Of course not, you two made them,"

"Your loss,"

Me and Cory took two and split the last one. By the time we had finished our original amount plus Juliet's, everyone else was on their last pancake.

"You two are gong to get a stomach ache if you eat that fast," Freya said with syrup all over her face. She had even somehow managed to get it on her forehead.

"Alright everyone, we have a man coming in and is looking for a teenager aged 14-16.So make yourselves presentable," Orphanage woman lady told us just as we finished eating.

I looked around the table for Alice, noticing we hadn't heard anything from her. I couldn't see her anywhere so I asked Amelia and Freya.

"I'm next to you, meanie,"

I looked to where the voice came from and jumped about 10 feet in the air, finding Alice right next to me. She glared at me with her steel gray eyes.On a side note, her last name was Steel. Ironic, Right?. Anywhore, I placed a hand over my heart at the sudden appearance of my short best friend. What I didn't realize that, in my shock, I had moved into Cory's lap. It was only when he cleared his throat that I noticed the position we were in.

"I SHIP IT! I SHIP CORY AND AUDREY!" Megan proclaimed.

" CAUDREY FOR LIFE!" Amelia joined in.

Mine and Cory's cheek were crimson by now. I hid my face behind my hair,insanely embarrassed by my friends antics. All the while Alice just sat, silently laughing at our embarrassment. By now Amelia and Freya had started skipping around the room, arms interlocked, chanting 'I ship Caudrey' or 'Caudrey for life'. We heard the door open and close but no one else seemed to,if they did then they didn't show any acknowledgement. It was probably Freya's boyfriend Ashley or the guy who orphanage woman lady was talking about. I looked at my candyfloss pink haired friend to see if she noticed the door go. I think she was too busy shouting about her newest ship or being ignorant. Probably both. I heard the door open and double the amount of footsteps.

"I can hear her.They're in here,"I heard Ashley (Freya's boyfriend) say before he and another guy came up to the doorframe and stepped into the room.

"Oh, Mr.Fischbach, I didn't expect you so early!"

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