I'm not a Ninja.At all.In the slightest

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Amelia raised an arm and I flinched, expecting her to hit me but instead she said 'Go pack your things you fucking idiot' while pointing at the stairs.I scurried (cause im an insect now apparently) off to do so,knowing that if I didn't she probably would hit me. I packed the bare nesscities (( *Baloo voice* The simple bare nessicities of life! No one?*Emo corner*)) because knowing my awkward self, I'd be back in a few days. In the unlikely event that I stay there longer than my supplies will last me (By supplies I mean: Skittles,Oreos,Pocky,Jelly Beans,Jolly Rancher drinks,doritos and pringles) then I'm boned because I'm not a ninja. At all. Not in the slightest. I also packed clothes. Mainly my favorite things like band shirts, hoodies, skinnies, Vans((cuz Vans are the best)) and stupid wristbands/bracelets. I decided that it was enough to last me. I waddled to the top step with my extremely heavy suitcases.

"LOOK OUT BELOW MOTHERFUCKERS!"I screamed before throwing them down the stairs. A small screech that was similar to a banshee and the heavy thuds of my suitcases followed. Just by the screech I could tell I had hit one of my other friends (The-one-that-you're-cool-with-but-isn't-you're-best-friend kind of friend) Cheyenne Mckenzie.

"I'm so fucking boned,"

"Audrey. What has Amelia told you about throwing your shit down the stairs?"Leek said in a kind of teasing voice.

"She hasn't said anyting about throwing shit down the stairs,"

"Okay then. What has she said about throwing luggage down the stairs?"

"Probably a fair bit. I haven't really listened to her,"

"AHEM. Are you all gonna ignore the fact that Audrey threw her suitcases at me!"

"AYE! I didn't throw them at you. I threw them down the stairs you were stupidly stood at the bottom of. I didn't even know you were here,"
"Still hit me though didn't it,"

"I don't care though do I,"

"Well ya probably should though shouldn't ya"

We continued like this for at least 2 minutes until Amelia threw paper balls at us. While Cheyenne was occupied with glaring at Amelia, I walked down the stairs and picked my suitcases that attacked Cheyenne up, somehow managing to hit her in the head ((BOOM HEADSHOT)).
"Audrey! Are you done packing yet?" Orphanage woman lady called
"Yea! I'm coming now!"I called back.
"I guess I gotta go then. See ya next month,"
They all said their good byes before I headed towards the door.

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