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A/N: I have to do a quick thing so I can get to writing an emotional thing that I'm currently relating to. I really need to rant but I need to get this chapter out the way.So this gon be brief and vague but still lil bit good. Hopefully. No promises.

If this was anything like usual then I've got to hand it to Mark, he's a really good actor.

He made it seem as if he wasn't going to tell me to pack my stuff and take me back to the orphanage. Per usual, my thoughts were weighed with the kind of pessimism that comes with being an extremely unlucky orphan.

The quiet drive was soon cut short when Mark parked the car in the driveway.

Now, don't call me an idiot when I say 'I was confused'. There was a perfectly good space in front of his house that would also make it quicker for him to get rid of me. Mark didn't seem like the malicious type that would fuck with someone's feelings on purpose.

I took a quick glance at Mark, only to see him adorned with quite possibly goofiest grin I have ever seen. This made me even more confused than before.

"I need you to pack your things real quick," He told me.

So, I was right. He was taking me back.

I wasn't surprised. Not at all. This was how it always happened. Also happens to be why I don't get close to people who decide to trial with me. Despite me not being close to Mark, it still really hurt. It was the kind of pain that you feel in your chest. When your throat seems tighter and your vision goes blurry.

I knew I would burst out sobbing if I tried to speak so I just gave him a shallow nod and began to walk in a straight as I could manage line.

Mark noticed my dodgy walking and caught up to me with ease. I guess the light caught my eyes in a way that showed how close to tears I was because he pulled me into a warm, comforting hug.

Before I knew it I was sobbing and clutching on to Mark. He didn't say anything. Just stood there and let me get it all out.

If I was thinking straight, I would of slapped myself and told me to suck it up and get on with it. What use was there crying if he'd already made up his mind? I'd done this a million times already, why was this so different?

I was proven wrong however when Mark muttered a small sentence I  to my ear.

"And I thought you'd be happy to live with me,"

This shocked me to the literal core.
He was going to adopt me.
I wasn't going back to the orphanage.
I was finally away from it all.
I couldn't be happier.

"But then why do I need to pack my bags?"

"Oh right! I forgot to tell you. I'm moving into a house with Matt and Ryan and I'm taking you with me if you want to,"


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