Stupid Rules.

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A/N: Aight so, big drama in the fam so I was originally gonna exclude them as much as possible but I saw a better idea so I'm either going to have to change their names and various descriptions or wait until my little contest thing is over and use some of the characters that I didn't pick for the two slots I desperately need filling. The latter depends on how many entries I get.

Plz dun showt at mi.

I pulled myself away from Marks comfy shoulder to stare at him in as much confusion as was possible in a human being and more to convey. My mind raced to find words to tell him how pleased I was but the only thing I could say to describe my emotions at that current moment went something a little bit like this:
"You are a complete and utter douche canoe,"
He looked confused for a moment before bursting out in laughter. It proved to be contagious because I found myself joining him. We were both so engrossed in laughing that we forgot we were outside and in public. It took a good few minutes for us to calm down but even then we were still giggling on the grass (indeed we had fallen down).

"That's the first thing you say about this entire thing?"

"I tried to think of something but that just came out! I didn't mean to!"

This made him laugh a little bit more. He let out a sigh before pushing himself up and offering his hand to me.

"I thought I'd told you already,"

"Mark. I am a teenager with both a horrible memory and selective hearing. There is a one in a million chance I'm gonna remember that. It's also the reason I do so shit on tests,"

"Now young lady, watch your language,"

Out of spite, I decided to hit him with a what. This normally effective tactic was thwarted (lolwut) with Marks deep chuckle and an eye roll (It was super effective! Audrey fainted!).

~~~Huehuehue ello mister timeskip~~~

It had been a month since I legally became a Fischbach and according to adoption rules , we had to take a review. As much as we wanted to keep Matt and Ryan out of this, it was part of the rules that 'all occupants in the adopted child's household must be included in all reviews regarding the child's safety, wellbeing and health (both physical and mental) in their new home.'. Yeah, I know. Stupid rules. Besides after we get this one out the way, I wouldn't have to see the fake bitch for another six months. That was the only reason we were all chipping in to tidy up.

When we had finally finished, we (somehow) had time to 'freshen up'. I didn't bother to do anything minus wash my face and redo my hair. We were all seated in the main room when fake bitch came. Mark hopped up to me and asked us all if we were ready. Not like there was even a chance to worm out of this. A shrill 'Hello! How are you today?' decided invaded and half deafening people was a real chill thing to do. She trotted in with an already bored looking Mark trailing behind her.

To say I was amazed at how physically round and pig like a human could look would be an understatement.

A/N: Contest is still on. Deadline is still April 17th, 2016.

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